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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023

  • NBA 2K

    I’ve been an avid fan of NBA 2K since the early 2000’s. I absolutely hate how money hungry the game has gotten; that being said, the core offline gameplay is still extremely strong. I’ll pop in and play a few offline games just to decompress. It’s gotten to the point where I’ll put on music or a podcast and find myself idly playing through four quarters of basketball.

  • Not the OP, but I just left the theater and really enjoyed it. Not the best Pixar film in any sense, but the themes really resonated to me, as a kid with immigrant parents.

    It really did a great job evoking the themes of the sacrifices our parents made coming into a new world, the apprehension they developed towards the people already living there, and trying to blend the difficulties of maintaining old cultures/values while growing up in a completely separate ones. I saw that the director, Peter Sohn, had Korean immigrant parents, and it really felt like it was a story of his struggle.

    I agree that the trailers were absolutely atrocious and didn’t made any mention of the things I listed above; if my girlfriend didn’t want to watch it, I probably wouldn’t have gone. However, I’m glad I did and even shed a few tears at the end