• 1 Post
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 16th, 2023


  • If we could ensure 100% compliance with a meta-blockade then I’d be for it.

    However, that isn’t going to happen and any instances that do federate with Meta will be the part of the Fediverse that exists to billions of people. Those instances will become the dominate instances on the Fediverse for people who want to get away from Meta but still access the Fediverse services. Lemmy, as it stands now, is only a few million people at most. We simply do not have the weight to throw around on this issue.

    It is inevitable that commercial interests join the Fediverse and the conversation should be around how we deal with that inevitability rather than attempting to use de-federation as a tool to ‘fix’ every issue.

  • Defederating is separating the group so that you’re no longer at the table with the asshole and their asshole friends

    The issue is that you’re no longer choosing who you interact with you’re choosing who everyone interacts with. You’re walking away with a table that other people are sitting at. This isn’t Reddit you’re not banning their subreddit, they’re not deplatformed, you’re just adding them to the block list of everyone on your instance.

    You have no right to tell me what I can see and respond to anymore than I have a right to tell you who you can and cannot block.

  • Don’t de-federate unless they’re allowing the planning of violence, CSAM material, or actual abuse.

    As a leftist I see it like this:

    Blocking someone is: “I don’t want to see this”

    De-federating is: “I don’t want you to see this”

    Blocking someone is: Ignoring a person saying bigoted things.

    De-federating is: Jailing a person saying bigoted things.

    If you can’t handle people saying shit you don’t like then you need thicker skin. If you can’t engage in a conversation with a person who shares an opinion that you fine distasteful then you need to seek maturity.

    If you can’t disagree with someone without physically attacking them, then you don’t deserve to be part of a community. If you can’t exist without abusing another person, then you don’t deserve to be part of a community.