Just look how much synergy TWO pedos provide!
Her ignorance is a feature, not a bug
One South African immigrant has been allowed to destroy America
America: 🛩️📉🔥
*Marc Andreessen and his alt account didn’t like this
Dork Maga and his titties
So gross. This picture is disgusting.
They Still Call Me Bruce Part II: Transgender Boogaloo
I love this for Susan “I think he’s learned his lesson” Collins and especially for Dr. Frankenstein himself, Mitch McConnell.
Reap the whirlwind you fucking fucks.
The stock’s valuation makes no sense at all. A market cap of 38 billion on no revenue and declining growth?
Get fucked, Spez.
The phone call:
Putin: “Do what I say, bitch tits”
Trump: “Yes”
I would be surprised as he’s just not that good.
Uh-oh, is Mitch reaping the whirlwind?
It’s 5 o’clock somewhere!
Citing a poorly made deal isn’t a good argument for making another bad deal.
So Snowden’s actions are tacitly cool now, right?