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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 7th, 2023


  • Hurricane Harvey was a bastard of a storm.

    I was up all hours of the night for days on end keeping tabs on the flood control reservoir at the end of my street only a few houses away, it got dangerously close to overflowing but fortunately never did.

    Craziest thing, I remember being inside my house in the middle of the day all dark no power, and I hear the unmistakable sound of a military helicopter getting closer and closer and suddenly the house was starting to shake. I ran outside and looked up and there was a Blackhawk hovering no higher than 50 meters directly above my house and a soldier poking their head out the side looking straight down, I swear we made eye contact it was so close. Fucking wild.

  • 100%. I have a nice cushy work from home desk job right now but I’ve also worked service jobs and manual labor jobs and I would absolutely jump at the chance for a job as janitorial staff on a starship exploring the galaxy for nothing more than accommodations and the amenities of replicators and holodecks aboard said starship exploring the galaxy. Space shitter clogged? I’m all over it for a chance to just be out there with my needs met.

  • I used to work for a major shared environment web hosting company that also hosted mail for its customers and the mail was the absolute worst. Both in terms of day to day support of users wanting to connect mail clients and in the bigger scope of keeping our mail gateways in good reputation on global blacklists. All it took was a couple bad actors to ruin mail reputation from an entire cluster of servers, and in shared hosting you’re bound to have well more than a few bad actors.

    We had methods in place to try to keep it in check, but it was like herding cats. I left that company several years ago but even then they had been trying to ramp down and discourage mail hosting by offering Google Apps, not sure if they still host mail or not.

  • I tried this with my son, who is now 17 and not nearly as computer literate as I was by his age, let alone Linux literate at all. I think it’s a generational thing, as a kid growing up in the 90s I HAD to learn how to administer our PC at a higher level to do the things I wanted to do. Now with easy apps and tablets and auto-installation of all-the-things you just don’t need to be an advanced user to do what you want to do. This is just my experience, YEMV