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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • When you say that there is no technical way, you sre referring to users not being able to block instances right?

    If it’s that I don’t think it is that difficult to implement, Mastodon already allows for that. And also the app “connect for lemmy” in its last update has given the option to block instances user level, I don’t really know yet if it blocks all users from that indtance from appearing or only communities as I haven’t tested it yet.

    Regardless to say, if we can get the appropriate tools this definitely could be a decision for users to take, if we make it so that they can completely block any and all content coming from a big instance.

  • But a counter is that much of that information is already public and can be scraped, they aren’t gaining much on outside meta users that they aren’t already able to do.

    Best advice at the end of the day is that for social media, unless advertised on privacy, never post anything you dont want to be public. And for cases like lemmy, expect even metadata to be available for anyone interested.

    I understand the wish to not interact with meta, even if its for privacy concerns.

    But Im a firm believer that it is the user first who needs to make that decision, not the instance. But as I said, Lemmy being the only one of the big fedi platforms right now that doesnt have a feature for instance/domain blocking user level kinds of screws this up.

  • Good points. I’m sure there are other potential solutions to reduce the fear of EEE taking place here. I don’t really think EEE would work, since instances are supposed to be small and operate horizontally, it is kind of impossible to kill Lemmy as long as we understand that we need to spread out a little bit (otherwise huge instances being defederated hugely impacts the user experience)

    One thing though, Mastodon does allow for blocking domains. I just tried it over Mastodon.online and also through the fedilabs app, both are working. Kbin also has that feature, wish they implemented it to Lemmy so that we can empower users to customize their experience without needing to self host.

  • I agree with the sentiment, I’m not a fan of preemptively blocking meta on instance level, especially when everyone was touting about how the fediverse is corporation resistant and by design it is resilient because of it’s horizontal nature, but at the first sign of threat they resort to the nuclear option.

    Having said that, Lemmy specifically lacks tools on the user level, especially blocking instances. If a user doesn’t want to associate at all that is understandable (privacy concerns, not wanting to interact with hate groups, etc) but right now they can only block communities and users individually, which would make it impossible to block meta.

    Lastly, I feel there are avenues that haven’t been properly explored, like forcing them to open source if they want to federate. (On the grounds of privacy concerns and security) In practice that would be the same as blocking them, but it would laid out a good foundation for new companies that want to enter the space without having to discriminate on a case by case basis.

    Problem is that blocking is the nuclear option and everyone blovking before something comes out, which no one knows the danger yet like a hate speach platform would entail, goes against the spirit of the fediverse.

  • I mean, being a weeb is not synonymous with loli stuff, especially nowadays where anime and manga have become so mainstream.

    But I don’t believe even for a second the narrative of “now that the good guys are off, reddit has decayed to the point anime fans are clamouring for loli” they already were, since the beginning, it is a constant and unavoidable “issue” (in the sense of controversial) in anime communities, always was and probably always will be.

    Heck I remember one of the main mods of r/animemes posting loli on other subs, so it isn’t like the people that directed the subs had much problem with it, it was just part of the rules they had to enforce due to multiple reasons (people not wanting to see that, it being a meme community, reddit rules over all, etc)

  • Jokes aside, I quickly scrolled the anime subs I used to frequent (by hot and then top daily and top weekly) and I didn’t really see noticeable change, maybe I missed a big discussion that happened during protests since I stopped using reddit since then, but I don’t really see what you described.

    And before the protests there was already the occasional pro loli post, of course it wasn’t a flood that’s why I went to check.

    Maybe it’s something present on smaller subs?