Conservatives are why we can’t have anything nice.
I’ve never punched anyone and I don’t plan to start.
Again, I have no contacts in the United States Secret Service.
Perhaps you should check on how our laws work before encouraging us to do things beyond our abilities.
I have no contacts at the United States Secret Service.
Anyway, who have you called on to press charges?
They probably should have gone with the last sentence instead of the first.
Okay, well I can’t charge him. All I can do is raise awareness.
If by ‘dishwasher,’ you mean ‘the slave who washes the emperor’s dishes,’ then it better be or else.
In America? You’re joking!
Can’t be a childless cat lady without the cat.
I don’t know… I doubt she has a most bodacious butt.
What is the relevance beyond this dude being way into guns? I mean I think attempted assassination told us that already.
This isn’t inner city Detroit, this is a small Indiana city. Snipers are not the norm.
When he violates federal law? Yes.
Considering what happens when things get interesting and Rod Serling is around, I’d say they should consider themselves lucky.
Within a couple of sentences.
My favorite would be John Gielgud, but I couldn’t find an image.
It wasn’t a joke. That’s his go-to excuse when people generally decide he’s said something atrocious.
It has nothing to do with tolerance.