Yes for same reason, plus sometimes I feel like something came out and it hadn’t so I know I need to blow again.
Yes for same reason, plus sometimes I feel like something came out and it hadn’t so I know I need to blow again.
He said he shouldn’t have left in 2020. He figured if he had stay they couldn’t have physically remove him. He is going try it this time.
Yeah this is going go horribly wrong. Also they pretty fucked if 1 in 4 will be over 65.
He could at least gotten her a nail gun geez.
That lot of fucking land. These fucks should be strung up.
Yeah good chance they are lying. We will have to wait and see.
This explains so much. Read a book written by his very young wife. Now I get it and how fucked up he is.
I will rewatch Arachnophobia a million times but will not rewatch this one. To goddamm scary for me.
This movie is what caused me to grow up fearing spiders. A totally fucked up movie. I can remember every scene. The hills of spiders all the way to how it ended. You think Aracphobia would be the scariest but nope its this one. Thanks for the renew nightmares I am going have tonight.
Carrie Underwood is a cunt. Was told how she was a straight up stuck up cunt all her life. That by someone who went to high-school with her. Even Tony Romo said she was a bitch, why he broke up with her.
Also the town she from very Trump country so no surprise she lean that way.
Sounds like my wife.
Me too I made quite a few of the recipes from his channel also favorites in our home.
What the fuck. Was he locked out of his car? That long goddamm sock.
Of course got to fuck the whole planet for that bottom line. /s
And don’t forget that the Dixie Chics got canceled hardcore for coming out against bush. I don’t think they ever recovered.
I remember all the radio stations in Texas refused to play their music. Bush was such huge asshole and he was my governor. He fucked Texas up so bad and yet they made him president also by a coup by the way. Al Gore won.
If I remember correctly the freedom fries became a thing when the French criticized Bushes war in Iraq.
This was years ago before YouTube became corporate and got prudence, but I once seen a video of a woman shove a 2 liter bottle up her ass. So I think this cone be no problem.
Same received one couple months ago.
We’re going need a army of Lugi’s. When do we get started. Revolution is needed instead we are rolling fast into a nightmare version of 1984.
Wouldn’t he have to prove ownership? Most likely he lost that too.