Yeah if think about it he almost saved America, but like another person who I won’t name the fucker Regan lived. Wonder what world be like if he had been successful?
Yeah if think about it he almost saved America, but like another person who I won’t name the fucker Regan lived. Wonder what world be like if he had been successful?
How long before Oklahoma and Texas put road blocks against people trying to go into New Mexico?
After reading about his home life is it fair to charge a 14 year old as an adult?
Yep hard pass not supporting her or the band anymore.
She looks good glad for her and after reading Britney Spears book. Yes we all owe her a apology.
Laid off in July here.
I heard you can’t do that any longer because people were actually leaving their teenager at the fire stations.
Theodore Roosevelt got shot in fucking lung and still finished his speech. Trump barely or maybe it was glass who knows (literally two weeks later was completely healed) yet got wisk away by four agents then wore a tampon on his ear.
Fuck weird Trump and sounds like he has dementia.
Hate to tell them having kids is a life time commitment.
Yeah exactly wish we had a captain planet to destroy these facsiest fucks.
Speaking of which you notice Hollywood isn’t remaking of that show.
He looks like weirdo with or without the beard, but without rhe beard he is really creepy. I keep my couch away from him either way.
Yes the DOJ is worthless and I frankly believe a plant by the Republican party. Because so far is letting the right get away with whatever they want.
There was a episode of Sliders that dealt with that. Quinn almost hooked up with his female self in other world. So it is possible also there was a movie that dealt with it as well called Predestination with Ethan Hawke that dealt with having sex and making a child with oneself. So sci fi has done it.
Okay think heard of that one. Glad not a positive movie about him.
I been to a museum and yes they sell real human skulls along with other types.
Just few pictures I took while I visited.
I Don’t see why they needed to make that movie. Not going watch a movie about SNL. I swear studio’s just won’t make any good anymore.
Only fucking MAGA heads would enjoy Ragen. Fucking pyscophath shouldn’t have gotten a movie made of him. Worse president next to fucking Trump.
Yes golf courses are fucking stupid and should be turned into public parks.
Oh I know why he did it, just saying he could’ve been seen as a hero instead of a crazy person.