WinXPSP3 was a mainstay for so long. Vista wasn’t going to take that crown.
WinXPSP3 was a mainstay for so long. Vista wasn’t going to take that crown.
There have been some recent advances on hydrogen production. I don’t think this (sorry for the MSN link) is the one I heard of, but is an interesting example where cheaper catalysts are improving the efficiency of hydrogen production.
Now, I don’t know if or when hydrogen will be more cost-effective than batteries, which are also experiencing massive advances. This is why I’m going to take the comment someone on Lemmy made about buying used EVs for the next little while - it’s cheaper, they’re lasting longer than predicted, and the advances lined up for the next few years are significant.
She could be Canadian. Keep your wits about you and watch for signs…
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The number of farmers I’ve heard talking about mixing diesel and fertilizer to remove stumps and boulders…
Honestly, Canada is a terrible target from a guerrilla warfare perspective. We have vast areas of emptiness that locals are familiar with but are dangerous if you don’t know how to survive there, many pocket communities that could easily hide insurgents and weaponry, lots of farming, which means lots of nitrates, a populace that can easily disappear into the American general population, and enough of an identity to not want to be absorbed by a different culture.
I don’t think we could stop America from invading and occupying, but we could make Vietnam look like a walk in the park. So, who’s up for another couple decades of occupation?
I wouldn’t call Canada’s work/life balance good, but it’s still better than America’s.
There are two American rocket projects in the works that can carry a significant payload to the moon. One is using existing parts in a new configuration. It had one successful launch and cost $4B ($2.5B in launch costs alone). One is building a largely new system and improving existing elements and is estimated to have cost less than $2B so far, although it hasn’t reached the moon yet. That said, they have done 7 tests, at least 3 with a full configuration. How is that not better than the other option?
Also, you are acting like there are no fundamental advances happening in space engineering. Sure, the physics is pretty well-known, but the engineering problem of landing and reusing stages/rockets commercially has only been done since the Falcon series, so I think it’s safe to assume the technology and associated product lines is still maturing.
How many news anchors are actually journalists? I get that they’re the face of TV news, but most of them are just people with pretty faces who can read from a teleprompter in an engaging way. This doesn’t excuse them from ignoring these issues any more than the producers or so many other people do.
It’s also worth noting that older humans tend not to hear those sounds as well. This doesn’t explain much, though, because all lot of their other targets hear those pitches just fine.
I’ll grant that terms have different meanings in different regions. English is rife with it. But the term “South East Asia” is in reference to the part of Asia, not the direction you have to go to get there. If we went by that then all of Asia would be “West Asia” for me and most of America would be South America.
First, which continent do you suppose india is on? Second, did you see that continent mentioned in the comic?
The problem the liberals you mention have with the right is their blinders to anything they don’t want to acknowledge.
Pretty sure there was a TV in every home and they were surveillance devices
Hence the phrase, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” If the only recourse to an intolerable situation is death, then someone is going to die.
I had a teacher tell me women couldn’t get hemophilia because it’s a sex-linked gene. True enough, but it’s on the X chromosome, and what do you suppose happens if a woman has that gene on both of them… I lost points on a test because of that.
This was before the internet, so I couldn’t easily find answers to prove he was wrong.
I wouldn’t call it positive, but it is very successful.
Even more fun fact: the masculine is gender neutral, so it also means just “friend”.
So somewhere between doing absolutely nothing to armed revolution. How enlightening.
I just read a blog where so done was expressing satisfaction that government was being scaled back to what was listed in the constitution, and encouraged people to take the 80k (which I assume is referring to the downsizing Trump is trying to do). Putting those two statements together, this person just effectively said that the FAA needs to be removed since it isn’t enshrined in the constitution.
This is just to point out that some people vehemently disagree with you and France, no matter how absurd that may sound to us.
That, and they confused “Window Manager” and OS. There were third-party apps to make Win8 look like Win7, don’t tell me they couldn’t have included the option in the OS.