If it was trump v Bernie we would still have president trump right now. I’m in GA and there is basically not a single Bernie voter here. And as we all know ours and other swing states were key.
If it was trump v Bernie we would still have president trump right now. I’m in GA and there is basically not a single Bernie voter here. And as we all know ours and other swing states were key.
Provide a source that whaling is sustainable and responsible.
There is no such thing as sustainable or responsible whaling.
Healthcare bills need 60 votes in the Senate to overcome a filibuster. Most democrats and even Biden now is for filibuster reform. However, there are currently not 50 democratic senators who support this. So thank the republicans plus Joe Manchin for not having this.
If you have an iPhone you don’t even need an app - it’s right in Settings
My grandmother doesn’t have a cell phone or computer and gets around just fine. The US definitely accommodates people without those abilities or who have disabilities. Yes it’s way slower and inconvenient but always possible
I hope Gavin newsom repeats this word for word in their debate in November
Wrong. It’s a statistical certainty.
Joe Biden isn’t from the south. He was born in PA and called Delaware home lol. By no definition is he a dixiecrat
We have a two party system. You have two realistic choices. You can vote for Mickey Mouse if you want - he won’t become president.
Sorry you don’t understand how it works.
Democracy is your way or burn it down?
No. You don’t like democracy - you’re helping to elect a literal dictator!
This is ridiculous. If you can’t have it exactly your way then just elect a litteral authoritarian dictator and cause the end of the country? Ok dude I guess you do you
Then you’re helping to elect Trump. Simple as that.
I think it’s entirely appropriate to block hate speech and clearly illegal content (CP etc). That stuff has no place in any of our feeds. If there’s a block list that can make that easy I say use it. Obviously be transparent and possibly revisit this discussion periodically but I’m all for it.
Step 2 is illegal and not realistic. But honestly someone will prob do that for big brands anyway so same logic applies anyway
Would be interesting to see this lined up to other countries (US in particular)
This is my problem. I have a family that includes several elderly people. It was a HUGE accomplishment to get them onto LastPass. Nothing more complicated than that’s going to work. Hell I do not want to take the time figure out any self hosting crap.
I’ve tried 1password and hated the UI.
Any other suggestions?