itty53 everywhere but twitter.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • I think this is worse, arguably. Don’t get me wrong, Wakefield wasn’t good. But this is actually worse.

    Wakefield wanted to call into question a thing which, at the time, was a relatively small thing: the MMR vaccine. There was no political platform of vaccines back then, it was the fallout from his con years after that created that platform. He wanted to do that so he could sell his own snake oil cure-all for autism. He frankly didn’t care about vaccines, he simply knew people were hesitant about shots and overly concerned about normalcy.

    So Wakefield really was just a greedy sonuvabitch ready to capitalize on the tremendous effort parents of autistic children are ready to commit for their kids. Bad, but just selfish greed. Not trying to accelerate an already existential crisis for political maga points.

    This though, climate change, is already the political platform. This is very clearly an attack on the very institutions of academia themselves. This is trying to discredit the act of collecting data and replicating experiments as real science. And there’s frankly a lot to say about that topic today (p<0.05 apocalypse) but this isn’t saying any of that. It’s simply saying “here’s a reason not to trust climate science at all”. That’s the argument. That’s way more dangerous than anti-vax arguments. Thank God this instance was as ineffective as it was.

    Silver lining, it took almost ten years for Wakefield to get caught and detracted. This didn’t take long to catch at all because the guy who did it was smug about his shitty goal, in typical right winger fashion: he went and published an opinion piece on his own paper, to the surprise of even his co-author.

  • At this point doing something that you’re unsure whether it will make things better or worse is literally a better option than just nothing. I mean really what’s the worst thing that happens? The equivalent of an oil spill? Like that’s ever stopped us from doing things for profit? Why should we hold ourselves to these “better be entirely certain” standards when we never held ourselves to that standard on the way here?

    This is a legitimate train of thought. “This might hurt things but I’m not sure how” simply isn’t good enough. Give me a reason to be afraid to use this. Cause we’re not afraid of using oil yet. Fuck it let’s put a bunch of iron in the oceans. Really can’t hurt things any worse than we have, can it?

  • Just an inbox that forwards to Elon so he can laugh at inquiries. Jokes aside, they moved on this one because she was caught as a fake in big and loud fashion (WaPo) and if Twitter didn’t, they couldn’t keep up any appearance of bipartisanship. WaPo would’ve just beat the drum louder. This way Twitter hardly even has to comment, and they can deny they promoted the account.

  •*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    A fake person affected public opinion by interacting with real people, which is only made possible by society’s current relationship with social media. This was done presumably to incite and rage bait for the opposition and supposedly by an outside nation actor, making this an act of cyber warfare. One of many we’ve seen, and more each day. And guess what? The way you combat that kind of information war is by informing the public, especially that circle of people who actually build these technologies (soooo this sub, pretty much).

    It is absolutely not redundant to call it a technology topic. How society interacts with and is affected by technology is an exceedingly important topic within technology and it’s continued development it we want it to be for the betterment of humanity and not the enslavement of it. Technology isn’t just how the electrons move, that’s literally only a teensy tiny part of it.

  •*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    There you go again, pretending technology only has to do with the next breakthrough. I mean did you read what I wrote? I literally talked about that explicitly.

    Technology is technology. If it’s relevant today then why shouldn’t it be here? If the US was constructing water wheels again all of the sudden it would be a technology topic and relevant to this sub.

    If you don’t like it and you’re leaving, great. There’s the door, what makes you think anyone cares? Or ought to?

  •*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    It’s the same post. You commented here twice. Which is ironic in hilarious ways. I guess you don’t quite understand this technology…

    Faking a person in the digital world and then using that likeness to affect real world politics has everything to do with technology by the way. We don’t only discuss the bleeding edge of new consumer toys, it’s a pretty broad topic. And politics being the process of how people function together in society … I mean it’s gonna be everywhere.

    If you want to unsubscribe I guess, bye.