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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 12th, 2023


  • The method you describe is untenable for 99.9% of the population. If that is truly the only way to migrate, then this move to passkeys is a catastrophe for security. In the coming years, millions of people are going to be permanently locked out of important accounts. Accounts will be written about the clearly flawed implementation of passkeys by Apple and Google, and a whole generation of people are going to shun passkeys forever. Myself included. This is a nightmare for vendor lock-in. I can see why Apple and Google are so ready to implement this.

  • I’ve no doubt it’s easier for companies, but I don’t really care about making advertising easier for them. I prefer to make life easier for consumers. Regional taxes and fees and levies aren’t unique to America. How they handle this in other countries is either regional advertising or normalising the price nationally and potentially eating a loss in some high tax areas. The price can also settle a little higher in some regions if the product has low elasticity of demand. Either way, it gives consumers much more information up front.

  • As you point out, the single point of failure is access to the passkey repository. Of course, this will usually be 2FA, so much more secure than simple passwords which people usually employ.

    One major issue, IMHO, is vendor lock-in. I’ve no doubt Apple is going to make migration away from iCloud a huge pain in the ass. It’s just another way they’re going to make it difficult to leave their ecosystem.

    I’m also worried about backups. People lose access to their Google and Apple accounts routinely for any and no reason at all. Will these keys be stored in the cloud? If so, access to EVERYTHING is just a capricious random algorithm away from being lost.

    I wouldn’t touch any passkey system which doesn’t provide a seamless way to migrate away especially if I’ve lost access to my Apple/Google account.