Koordinator O

  • 0 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • My English learning process was me being a eight year old kid who wanted to play diablo. No clue about shit. Barely able to read in the first place and just going from one word which is similar to one in my native language to the next similar one. Like “ok, intelligence looks a lot like intelligenz. Dexterity makes my bow do more damage so it should be something like speed or whatever” so basically trial and error over the years. The pronunciation was accordingly. As an example, strength was “stren g t hö”. Not sure how I’m supposed to write what i said back then xD Still to this day from reading and such and not practicing enough speaking English some are way off.

  • Koordinator O@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    basically all pre 30xx cards tend to drop a few frames if some visuals happen to close to the camera, with fog, trees wit high shadow details and when dumping cache and so on. most people don’t even realize these droped frames. For my spoiled me this makes many games borderline unplayable. I can’t stay thouse little hickups. its just so ermersion breaking. and for games that tend to do that with our gpu. Luckily i have not found one yet.

  • Koordinator O@lemmy.world
    5 months ago

    Just recently bought/built a new pc. 4070ti i9-13900K and the first thing i did was setting max freamerate in all apps to max 60 end every game i start the first thing i do is setting everything to minimum. Playing mostly games like factorio or whatever. The only important thing for me is: never ever any dips below 60fps and almost room temp hardware if possible.

  • Someone doing one of those computer jobs here. In the office i work we are 13 people. six zoomers, five boomers and two millennials. 12 out of these 13 people struggle to understand basic computer things such as archives even when I explane them. the same for family and some friends. I live and work germany. From my small sample i’d read its not a zoomer or boomer thing in germany at least.

    It is a missed duty of politics to bring the country into tune with this. For example the “IT class” back in school was teached from people who had to google the stuff they had to teach… if the’d knew how to google. I had to listen to many calls mid lesson where the teacher had to ask other people how stuffs done. And just as germany has failed to do this, there are isolated groups or bubbles all over the world that simply do not want or are able to learn it. and that’s just spreading slowly since there is no need to learn on most systems anymore.

    But that is just an observation of me with like I said just a smal sample in my close area. I could totaly be wrong.