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Cake day: June 29th, 2023


  • It won’t achieve that without unionisation efforts. And we are not capable of doing that work. Any european travelling over there would stand out like a sore thumb and get picked up as a salt by internal sniffers. The primary work that the US needs is unionisation work. One of the things that stands out to me is how much positivity for unions I see in online spaces like this one but I think that 90% of the americans in these spaces writing pro-union things are themselves not unionised or not actively working to create a union. It’s like they all expect someone else to do it for them.

    This attitude of “someone will do it for me” comes from the electoralism spewed by the liberals. This obsession they have with their political involvement being ticking a box once every few years and that being the extent of it creates a mindset in which they defer any and all political power to a “representative” and expect that to be that. They all carry this mindset into everything else. It creates inaction, none of them take any responsibility for the lack of these things. Nobody else will build it for them, nobody else can, they MUST be chastised into building it themselves. They clearly already support it, but they’re not doing anything to take part in building it.

    With unionisation increases and real radical leadership you would very very quickly see a landscape change in politics, as these union leaders would carry significantly more influence with the workers they represent than the local politicians. The pressure this would place on local politicians to engratiate themselves to the union leaders would be significant, you would rapidly see concessions occur.

  • Getting people to listen over here in Europe is relatively easy. Getting americans to listen is incredibly difficult. After multiple red scares and a cultural legacy of immense amounts of propaganda they are far more resistant to hearing basic facts, their brains are filled with false shit, and they performatively do things to show how good and moral they are (like the tankie shit), actively helping capitalists prevent people from hearing leftist thought. There are good books that do a lot of deprogramming, Blackshirts and Reds takes like 2 hours to read and deprograms people from all that shit immediately. The problem there is also that americans don’t read, and 21% of americans are illiterate making it impossible to reach a lot of them through this method. I suspect this is also responsible for much of the reading-comprehension errors I see everyday from them on social media. Video works, but is a medium that requires a far greater amount of skill than writing books so we have far fewer people doing it. The boys at /r/thedeprogram podcast being probably the best at the moment, hakim, JT/secondthought and yugopnik.

  • That is unfortunate.

    However, one of the sources in that graph, The Crisis of the Late Tsarist Penal System, does not really support the miscalculation:

    The number of tsarist executions is clearly minute in comparison with the later Soviet figures, and the scale of katorga and exile is also extremely low. While this is undeniable, it is important to stress the remarkable changes and deterioration in the tsarist prison systems that came about in the last decade of tsarist rule.

    This doesn’t imply the figures in the graph are wrong. It implies that the later soviet figures had higher numbers. The graph is not of total numbers of deaths it is of the mortality rate, providing a comparison of the overall conditions. The soviets undoubtedly had massively more raw numbers, particularly in ww2 when they held many millions.

  • Nobody has actually given an example of “those who actually do have experience in the field”. Nobody is making that argument in good faith. Anyone “with experience in the field” of political matters is part of one or another ideological camp too, and thus either gets entirely dismissed for their bias, or worshipped for it, depending entirely upon which camp is reading the content. Unexpected outsiders to politics(which Einstein certainly was not, it’s just not historically well known to the libs) that are venerated in their fields are fundamentally more persuasive to bystanders who aren’t acting in bad-faith than the people with obvious bias.

  • I liked you until the “free speech absolutist” remark. Nazis should have been rounded up and put through re-education a long time ago. Call it rehabilitation if that appeals more to lib sensibilities.

    Liberal lack of action on this has taken it past the point of no return and now the only possible outcome is a violent one. It was possible to contain it, had sources of radicalisation been suppressed and the affected fixed, but now it’s impossible, there are simply too many fascists.

    I find the idea that you think marginalised people like myself should just exchange ideas with the people that want to exterminate us repulsive.

    “We all want clean water”, and on the same token I think a more core freedom is the freedom of expression or access to health and well being. Here we’re squabbling over philosophy when there are core tenets we universally agree on, and remembering that common ground for our common humanity should be more valuable than “I told a (insert perjorative here) off”.

    We don’t universally agree on this. The capitalists do NOT believe that access to water is a right, nor food for that matter. They believe fundamentally in the ideology of “if you don’t do work that enriches me, you do not deserve to have these things that you need to survive”.

    I mean, how about a fucking place to live?

    Yes they don’t believe in that either. These aren’t “bizarre issues”, you’re missing the fact that they fundamentally don’t believe you should have these things unless it involves enriching them in the process. And that they fundamentally believe people should die if they don’t want to do that. This is the core of their ideology.

  • I imagine you’re not going to defend this xenophobia.

    I don’t see what relevance any of that has. You guys from lemmygrad need to learn from hexbear and learn when not to be self-wreckers when dealing with libs, all this does is function as support for the libs in this thread, of course nobody supports the sinophobic shit, find me a comrade that wasn’t fucking weird about asians at the time - good luck. That doesn’t stop us using them wherever valid.

    It’s fine if you included the Einstein quote in there as a note to end on, but it shouldn’t be your argument, since honestly, Einstein’s political views shouldn’t mean more solely on the basis of breakthroughs in physics (despite what Einstein claims).

    “Shouldn’t mean more” than what? The shmucks here commenting with their vast amount of knowledge about socialism gained from reddit comment sections? Yes it absolutely should mean more.