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Joined 5 months ago
Cake day: April 29th, 2024

  • Lets_Eat_Grandma@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlFree Thinker
    2 hours ago

    We’ve never had real communism.

    I don’t think human nature will allow for true communism at scale. Like all political organizations beyond a handful of people, corruption is de facto present and completely at odds with the theory.

    People can swear up and down that it’s doable but I truly don’t think it could ever be by humans. We are too selfish.

  • He will say absolutely anything to get in power and avoid the catastrophe that awaits should he fail.

    With all the crimes he’s committed that are well documented and easily proven and thus far only some convicted but not sentenced, he’s walking a tightrope. If he falters the consequences are dire.

    At best his debts catch up to him and his family legacy is in tatters.

    At worst he is in prison for the rest of his life from a treason charge.

    If he wins no judge will sentence him until he’s out of office, which he may never be with all the GOP groundwork being laid to create a puppet dictatorship controlled by conservative oligarchs.

  • Lets_Eat_Grandma@lemm.eetoMemes@lemmy.mlFree Thinker
    9 days ago

    I mean, the argument that communism is slavery to the state is a real and valid argument as of 2024.

    It’s not like capitalism is any less a form of slavery, except instead of stealing from everybody to give to everybody it steals from everybody and gives it all to insurance companies and other businesses benefiting oligarchs. The whole system is slavery under another name, work for the luxury of having a place to sleep at night so that your owner can live a comfortable life. Slavery to many masters who use your body for their gains.

    There’s not going to be a system that you’re not a slave to though, unless we somehow find a way to trivially convert matter to energy and vice versa and build a utopia where machines do everything for us… and we all share the rewards. All hail science fiction communism? (and keep in mind science fiction keeps becoming reality! Just don’t hold your breath for this in our lifetimes.)

  • I don’t understand how you can convict someone based on the testimony of a person getting a plea deal for turning in another person.

    The last thing the person getting the plea deal would want to do is turn over someone loyal enough to them to rob a place and shoot another person with.

    Does anyone think this would have happened if the accused was the son of a wealthy white couple? How about if it was the police chief’s son? Any senator’s son?

    Just saying. Testimony without hard evidence shouldn’t be enough for criminal conviction, let alone a fucking execution.

  • This shit is the 21st century witch hunt. Covid cripples the economy from all the governments basically telling you to stay inside and businesses shuttering all over followed by ballooning the national debt by giving out tons of handouts for this. Then once they say “ok it’s been enough time, go out there and get back to work” suddenly all that covid money given to people is being spent, driving up the cost of everything.

    Now just a couple years later, everyone is looking for someone to blame for why costs are so high. “They gave us money to survive before… now it costs so much to do everything! It must be the BROWN people’s fault!” simply because they are the newest wave of immigrants in a country built by immigrants for centuries.

    Surely it can’t be due to poor zoning laws, bad economic policies by the last administration (which set us up to fail with massive multi-trillion dollar debt thanks to all those big business tax cuts) and a news media gone wild, controlled by a handful of oligarchs who have more money and power than ever before after profiting from it all.

    As always, a masterful performance by the rich and powerful. Let’s make america get fucked again! #Recession2029

  • I don’t really get all the negative press the guy is getting from the left spun media. His supporters aren’t disappearing… instead they’re coming out of the woodwork and showing their true colors that they’ve sworn all along isn’t how they are. I wouldn’t be surprised if there are more voters this year than any year before showing up for the biggest asshole to be elected president in my lifetime. Also the only one term president in my lifetime from voters because he is hated that much by the other half.

    To so many conservatives racism doesn’t exist. They aren’t against black people or foreigners… but they are literally coming out front and center to be anti-black, especially since the pandemic era BLM protests. Springfield Ohio is just another perfect example of how racism not only exists, but is celebrated by about half the country. It’s just insane that it isn’t even shunned.

    My favorite line from the debate was when dumpy said “we have millions of people pouring into our country from prisons and jails, from mental institutions and insane asylums and they’re coming and they’re taking jobs that are occupied right now by African Americans and Hispanics” Are you fucking kidding me? Minimum and sub-minimum wage jobs are now “black and hispanic” jobs? That’s what you’re trying to force american citizens into? very low paying, low qol, minimum healthcare roles with no chance of advancement and no hope for a better future. Make america great again and bring back slavery right?

    Sorry for the rant, I just can’t believe how monstrous humans can be. There’s just no more rational discourse or anything resembling sane critical thinking anymore in the media. It’s all just outrage fuel and inane distractions. On the left media sites they keep saying it’s doomsday for trump. They said he couldn’t beat Hillary too and she had an even bigger point lead ahead of the election https://www.monmouth.edu/polling-institute/reports/monmouthpoll_us_110716/