I love the level-0 “funnels” from Goodman Games. If I have to pick one, let’s say the classic, Sailors on the Starless Sea.
They’re easy to pitch, and really help establish a tone, especially for players who bring a lot of preconceptions from 5e.
I love the level-0 “funnels” from Goodman Games. If I have to pick one, let’s say the classic, Sailors on the Starless Sea.
They’re easy to pitch, and really help establish a tone, especially for players who bring a lot of preconceptions from 5e.
It’s bad enough being one of those states now, and I’m in one of the good ones.
Hey, remember how right-wingers all laughed at What is a Woman? Reveling in their willful ignorance by laughing at anyone who dared to have a nuanced answer? Now they had a chance to define it for themselves, and immediately sat on their own (legally feminine) balls.
I’m annoyed that I expect Hollywood executive, as always, will take the wrong lesson from it. They’ll see it underperformed and think people don’t want a D&D movie, rather than that they shouldn’t have released it between John Wick and Mario.
My theory is that having a horny bard in the party is pretty common, but it depends on how frequently and how (ahem) enthusiastically those scenes get roleplayed. :P
I played the heck out of NWN when I was a teenager!
…by which I mean I was excited by the character options, so I ended up restarting it over and over again. I’ve done the Waterdhavian Creatures quest so many times I burnt out. :P
I should go back and actually beat the game.
I’m not sure if they deleted it or I just can’t find it, but there was a post on the LW destination that said the mods talked about the near-universal, overwhelmingly negative response, and were split 2-2 on what to do: either cancel the plans, or keep going anyway. They only made this post after considering the aforementioned near-universal, overwhelmingly response a tiebreaker.
I think that really encapsulates the problem.
Top of the list, I think, is… just some old-school D&D. Technically, probably Old-Shool Essentials or Dolmenwood, both of which are retroclones of B/X D&D.
I just got into watching Dungeon Meshi and playing Caves of Qud, both of which are just dripping with old-school D&D influence. Plus I’ve never actually ran a full dungeon or hex crawl.
Honorable mention to Burning Wheel, 16-time annual winner of My Favorite Game I’ve Never Played. :P
I love that kind of history. On the topic of cooking, Tasting History is one of my favorites!
And I’m also adding that book to my reading list. I’m kicking myself for not reading enough books, but I’ve gone on a nonfiction kick out of nowhere.
I almost skipped over this video, because I thought it was about some other drama about the origins of D&D, which is mostly just outrage tourism.
Happy to be mistaken! It’s been a little bit since I watched Matt Colville, so I’ll give this a watch when I have the time. And it includes a book recommendation on top of that!
“It’s going to be a maze.”
Short answer: yes.
Long answer: yes, obviously.
I’ve made a habit of saying “Look, [city] was a powderkeg ready to go off before we even got there.” It’s come up in multiple campaigns.
It’s bending the rules, since it’s a camping meal, but I have made it at home, too, since it makes a great depression meal. I got it from backpackers, who I’m pretty sure got it from prison inmates:
The Ramen Bomb.
Cook a crushed up packet of instant ramen noodles, maybe with a little more water than usual. Add like half a packet of instant mashed potatoes. You can also add a protein, like… chopped up Spam. Maybe some hot sauce or other fixings if you’re feeling fancy.
I hated how much I enjoyed it. Granted, that was when I was really tired and hungry, but that hit the spot.
Also, I’ve heard meals like the ones in this thread affectionately referred to as “glop,” by a fellow glop-enjoyer.
Minus the egg, that’s also a popular backpacking meal.
Personally, I also like genericizing D&D.
It’s a shorthand for folks outside or new to the hobby, it skips a hurdle to talk to people about other RPGs with those people, and it weakens the brand identity. Considering how much D&D has coasted on brand identity as the game suffered, I’m all for that.
I’m less likely to do it places like here, because it causes more confusion, but still. It’s fun to say, “Pathfinder is a great way to play D&D.” :P
I didn’t see it until later, but yeah, it’s been around for years. It crops up every now and then from right-wingers trying to test the waters for being overtly anti-democracy. What I found scary was how much more common it got, and at higher levels. I remember a fucking senator repeating that line.
I also use the square vs. rectangle analogy. Granted, we’re not going to convince fascists acting in bad faith, but it plays to an audience.
I really liked that Ed Helms asked a lot of very straightforward questions about Yarvin’s ideology, which just went to show that it completely falls apart if you think about it critically for even a moment. It’s not something you come to believe after listening to the best arguments from a bunch of different positions. It’s something you come to believe because it justifies your own elitism.
FUN FACT: Five Justices of the Supreme Court were appointed by presidents who were inaugurated despite losing the popular vote! That’s a full majority! And purely by coincidence, all of them are Republicans! :D
…alright, obviously it’s not fun. I can’t believe the audacity some people have to act surprised and offended when people say the Court is illegitimate.
Like you got at with the title, this kind of spamming can be fun, but is easy to bypass.
Diversifying the spam will help, but it could still get caught by a filter, and quickly discarded after a skim. If you REALLY want to do some damage, you could poison the data set. Make the tips sound plausible. The longer it takes to check up on it, the better. Maybe mix in some real and fake information, like a fictional teacher at a real school, or a class that doesn’t actually exist.
Also, while AI is mostly being used by capitalists to make everything worse in yet another case of short-sighted rent-seeking, it’s just a tool, and can have some good uses. In this case, it’s ability to create a whole lot of complete garbage very quickly might be an asset, since you could generate a fuck ton of unique stories with slight variations.
In theory, of course. Sure would suck if, even after filtering out as much as they could, they ended up with a stack of submissions that all seem equally likely, but are 99% (or more) nonsense.