That Evil Empire of Canada. I see why our glorious leader stuck it to them. /s
That Evil Empire of Canada. I see why our glorious leader stuck it to them. /s
I get your point now. You are focusing on the people in the jobs. My focus was on Veterans in general and how their voting effects all Veterans and their jobs. Sorry I was not clearer.
Thank goodness now we can get back to doing what we do best here in the good old USA. Destroying the world.
It is not a misleading stat. The vast majority of Veterans voted for Trump: 60+ percent. It is that simple. You are trying to break them into groups but this is irrelevant to voting and why we have the Orange Turd in office.
The goal of all of this AI garbage is to remove all listing of website sources and you just look at the AI slop. The search engines become the only thing you see and you no longer see the websites the information is stolen from. It is truly abusive. Do not support this trash.
The complete garbage people finally won out in the voting. We held them back as long was we could, but today they are in control.
Every bit of joy will be taken from this world by the Orange Turd.
Putin’s puppet at it again.
This man has a brilliant mind. Our glorious leader knows all and will lead us to massive inflation and failure of all markets.
I turned this garbage off right away.
Let’s get it to 90%. We can do it.
I hear if you rub horse shit all over you it cures it. A MAGA member told me this so I know it is true.
It is not sum. The vast majority of veterans voted for Trump. Over 60%.
Civil Liability has done nothing to stop the president from doing anything he wants. Even with judgements against him he says the same things and does the same things. It means nothing other than costing him some money.
This has been a fever dream of Republicans for my entire life. Looks like they just may get it this time.
The future is coming and it sure looks like garbage. I have long since left Google behind.
Sounds perfect. Now double it.
Ha ha ha. Here it comes. The spin machine. At the end of 4 years of destruction he will still be blaming Biden.
Lets hope so. I am sick of seeing their pathetic signs promoting him along the freeway.
Keep up the great work Texass.