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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2023


  • If they were found guilty, you can assume they will be fined or sued and be banned from accessing certain sponsors, not to mention the club would struggle to attract high-paying sponsors. This means selling players to balance FFP or whatever bills they have to pay, would become a priority in the short term, thus relying on academy/free transfers to get the team up again. The good news is even in a potential fire sale City will net hundreds of millions, but on the negative side, any damages might also be of a similar magnitude. Whether they could spend once back in the PL isn’t certain either. The PL could be required to sign off on transfers and they might still have bills to pay.

  • It would be a true popcorn moment.

    City would be looking at hundreds of millions, if not billions of damages. Imagine if City had pushed you down a spot and you lost £1m a season, that’s 20 clubs X £1m per year. That’s before relegation, missing out on European football, TV money/competition prize money. Even if City settled, it would push them into financial oblivion and probably administration - if FFP hasn’t already.

    City have to win, losing even small will destroy them.

    1. FFP would mean most of their players would leave. The remainder would have to be sold to cover payouts to the PL for fines and other clubs for damages IE. Everton are facing a £300m lawsuit for 1 £20m overspend.
    2. How will they pay for all the resources? No sponsor is touching them for years, so only gate money. I doubt the owners would be deemed fit to carry on and most youth products would want to move to a top flight club.
    3. Possibly, if they have the gate revenue to do so.
    4. They won’t if the owners are barred and no sponsor touches them.
    5. True but they haven’t lied about their revenue. Being a big club with big grounds/support and legitimate sponsorship isn’t breaking FFP. Lying about payments to get an unfair advantage is. The big clubs will be the first to sue, but most of the premier league and anybody relegated in the last dozen years will be seeking damages.
    6. Possibly but it depends what happens to City.