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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 17th, 2023


  • Probably by design, to be honest. Jobs tend to be very anti-parent, especially in US states where FMLA is legally protected.

    I’m fortunate to work for a company that has a culture of prioritizing real life so you can do your best work. Sadly, that’s antithetical to next quarter thinking, so it’s not the norm.

    The dumb thing is (in my experience) parents seem to work harder and stay at companies for longer than childless folks. They’re just shorter on free time and need some basic flexibility to address emergent issues. Not to mention being better at teaching and managing in general.

  • Had to have surgical intervention a few weeks ago and am getting mild pangs of renal colic pain on the other side. I’m drinking tons of water and crossing my fingers hard that these stones don’t require intervention 🤞

    Other than that life feels like a mess right now and I’m trying to be more intentional about addressing things this week.

    Anyone have good advice for making friends in one’s thirties? Online or IRL?

  • FWIW, you don’t need the CS degree to pivot to software. Start learning, build a project portfolio, and attend local tech meetups. Unless you really want the academic experiences, you’re footing unnecessary literal and opportunity costs. Around 30% my colleagues have unrelated degrees.

    Working and learning at the same time is quite a bear to tackle, so you’ve certainly got the gumption.

    Things vary from company to company, but tech is pretty chill about trans* stuff. I’m out and one of several at my current company. No pronoun issues.