• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023


  • As a communist, I gravitate like a moth to the light towards any anti-capitalist news media. So thank you for posting that this was fake, because I also like to believe real things, and it’s frustrating with stuff like this happens.

    On the other hand, it is also frustrating that capitalist news media takes these stories and runs with it without doing any research whatsoever.

    How many times has an “onion” story been reported on by some news media?

  • Edit: I failed to see the sarcasm in comradsalads post. Sometimes I fail to get out of Reddit mode. Haven’t even been on there in a long time! Keeping this comment for history. Sorry comradesalad!

    Is that what’s going on in this case though? Because the prison isn’t claiming that.

    A federal judge held a hearing in the Dotson case last week. Al.com reported that the hearing provided no answers about the location of the heart. The lawsuit filed by Dotson’s family contended that the heart might have been retained during a state autopsy with the intention of giving it to the medical school at the University of Alabama at Birmingham for research purposes. Attorneys for the university said that was “bald speculation” and wrote in a court filing that the university did not perform the autopsy and never received any of Dotson’s organs.

    So no, the prisoner did not donate their organs to trade off a shorter sentence. That should be easily provable, with documentation and evidence to back it up.

    By the way, I’m a communist, I think that morally the best thing would be for organ donations be done by default, and we have an opt-out system. I think that prisoners have rights and should not have their organs taken against their will, but it would be ethically better if there was an opt-out system instead of an opt-in one.

    Of course the real issue here is the propaganda from Usonians that China harvests organs from prisoners against their will, while at the same time Usonian prisons are seemingly doing the same thing.

    Also also, isn’t it just capitalist garbage that people can trade organs for shorter jail sentences? Like, what the actual fuck? Organ donation rates should absolutely not be determined by how many prisoners we have. That’s fucking disgusting. I absolutely disagree with “no ethical concerns with this course of action” even when someone in prison donates as a trade off.

  • Yeah, this was a quick and dirty thought, but effectively that’s exactly what I mean. An application built from scratch today using modern high-level programming libraries will take more RAM and more CPU to do the same thing than an app written in 2005 does, generally speaking.

    Of course, for those people who still write C, C++, or choose to write Rust or Go, or some of the other low-level languages, or even Java, but without major frameworks, can still achieve the type of performance an app written in 2005 could. But for people coming out of college and/or code schools nowadays, you just reach for a big fat framework like spring or use a high level language like JavaScript or Python or Ruby with big frameworks, and your application will by default use more resources.

    Though the application might still be fast enough, I’m not even saying that an application written in Python will be slow, but I will say that an application written in Python will by default use about 10x more CPU in RAM than a similar application written in Rust. I mean, maybe the application only uses 10 megabytes of RAM. When the equivalent efficient application would use 1 megabyte of RAM, both of those are very efficient and very fast and would be just fine. But when the difference is between 10 gigabytes of RAM and 1 gigabyte of RAM, yeah, at that point in time, you’re pretty much just taking advantage of RAM being cheap.

    And it’s not even necessarily a bad thing that we do this. There’s just a balance to be had. It’s okay to write in higher level language if it means you can get some stuff done faster. But major applications nowadays choose to ship an entire browser to be the base layer of their Application. Just because it’s more convenient to write cross-platform code that way. That’s too much and there’s already a lot of work going towards fixing this problem as well. We’re just sort of seeing the worst of it right now.

  • Yeah, I’m not one to use insulting terms, it’s more of a natural process of an industry lowering the bar to entry.

    But there really is something to be said for those old applications that were built rock solid, even if they only came out with a new version once every four years.

    More frequent releases of a smaller feature set isn’t wrong. I’d be happy getting high quality application updates every month or so.

    But as with all things, the analysis falls on the side that capitalism just doesn’t incentivize the right things. Quarterly profit drives lots of features delivered poorly instead of a few good features delivered occasionally. Of course the developers get blamed for this when really they are just a product of a broken system. We invent insulting terms for them instead of going after the real problem, Because, of course, we don’t have an understanding of materialism in the west.

    Oh well.

  • Without giving anything specific away, I am a software developer and a consultant, and mostly work on web stuff.

    I’ll try to keep this short, but in general, yes. Basically, computers keep getting faster, which allows software developers to use higher-level libraries, which are actually less efficient, and thus your average piece of software actually takes more processing power and RAM than back in the day.

    As well, because of those high-level libraries, programming is a lot easier than it used to be. Unfortunately, that means that we just hire cheaper developers that aren’t as skilled, and they have a harder time tracking down and fixing bugs. Which is doubly worse because those higher-level libraries are black boxes, and you can’t always fix things that arise inside of them easily.

    But software development companies have basically figured out that shitty software doesn’t really hurt their bottom line in the end. For the most part, people will use it if it’s a name brand piece of software, like Google or Apple or Microsoft. They don’t need to build high quality software because it’s basically going to be used by default. The money will come in if you corner a market or if you build something unique, or contract with another business. It doesn’t actually have to be high quality.

    As well, websites make more money the more ads you put on them. So it doesn’t matter how efficient you build it, it’s going to be slow. And it doesn’t matter how slow it is, because you’re going to make more money the more ads and tracking you have. All you need is good search engine optimization and you will get traffic by default. SEO Is easier said than done, but the point is nobody really focuses on performance when it’s more profitable to focus on search engines.

  • It’s hilarious to me that the liberals that I know that complain about all the garbage being made in China don’t realize that their favorite stuff is also made in China.

    You see these online reviewers spreading signophobia by being like “hey this item is made in China just letting you know”. As if it means anything.

    Then they cope so hard when their favorite stuff says “designed in America” or “made in America with global parts” which in reality just means that 99% of it was manufactured offshore and it was only assembled here or they just slapped a label on it. Such bullshit.

    Then again most people don’t care. I just know a bunch of liberal douchebags.

  • Nice, reasonable explanation comrade! Just in case anyone didn’t know, TheDeprogram has a good wiki page on whataboutism that covers this nicely as well.

    But yeah, people will find that we communists do criticize socialist governments, past and present, and do find flaws in China’s system. You just have to come to the communist subs and read around, or ask honest questions. But on platforms like this, where obvious lies, biases, and if nothing else, just one-sided reporting is rampant, we need to balance out the rhetoric. Of course capitalist countries (past and previous) have jailed journalists and those that have pushed back against American imperialism. Native Americans, Middle Easterners, Mexico, are just a short list of those that we constantly oppress.

    China keeps making the news because western media keeps putting them in the news, even if it is for things that the USA or western Europe is also currently doing (You don’t think the USA and Europe don’t ban websites, do you? Have they ever forcefully sterilized people? Yes. Have they ever taken journalists prisoners… obviously yes… Oppressed religions? Duh… The list goes on and on). Calling out these non-western nations for doing these things is simply adding fuel to the fire to create a monolithic opinion that the USA or Europe is the best place on earth.

    If you are on Elysium, things looks pretty great, and you can look down upon the others and judge them easily, while extracting their resources and causing their struggles in the first place. Being taken out of your bubble feels really uncomfortable, but it’s the first step in learning.