Single ultrawide for everything. The ergonomics are superior.
Single ultrawide for everything. The ergonomics are superior.
I successfully made a checklist of work tasks, and checked several of them off
Oh dear, I didn’t know there was tomato for vacuums… depending on how it goes, this knowledge will make you either my new friend or my latest enemy…
I wonder what percentage of players opt for the “story only” difficulties? Has anyone done this sort of study? One dev found that 70% opt for easy mode. They point out that most people don’t finish most games, and easy modes help increase that number.
They definitely are!
I had a thought about finding similarly themed jokes about men, but haven’t had any luck yet. It’s true that a good number of blond jokes could be gender agnostic so long as they are just about intelligence.
they haven’t aged well
This sort of humor in general hasn’t aged well. I think this sort of thing is still funny when it’s a surprise, ie used sparingly.
I think so; except leaning more heavily on promiscuity?
This is probably not your speed, but I can’t stop myself from mentioning Deathloop…
Also, and this is a bit of a stretch, but Day of The Tentacle was a great game with a time element… I’m reminded by this because I asked ChatGPT for a list of games that met this criteria.
Another that you didn’t mention: The wall meets the ceiling in different places on either side of her head
I’m actually a little surprised that my hot take got so much hate… I inferred was there are multiple reasons that people don’t bath. I posed this as an or… as an alternative. I didn’t suggest depression isn’t a reason.
I am friends with a lot of hippy-archetypical folks… and many of them don’t do the bathing/deodorant thing with the frequency that’s commonly expected by the majority. Just saying they choose to be au natural… and maybe that’s ok.
Is this a complete the sentence situation?
… I’d have at least a dollar!
What do you think of their redesign? I’m sure it’s not for everyone.
Add Mercedes to that list of companies close to doing this
Or Hippies
Budweiser had a caffeinated beer in 2004!
I was hoping for a “war never changes” moment, but it’s a slow thing, and this was short. In my mind they were right to leave it out. I’ll be surprised if it’s not included in the actual series somewhere.
the availability of the internet and a young(er) brain has made learning to cook easier for me. Also I feel like diverse ingredients are easier to come by. They were cooking out of Betty Crocker and their parent’s index card collection.