He deserves a seat in a gas chamber for all the shit he’s pulling now
He deserves a seat in a gas chamber for all the shit he’s pulling now
Just on observational experience it appears that extreme wealth does indeed pervert the mind
Yeah truth hurts
No room in his senile agenda for any variables
Yeah but they’re not human, though
Nazis are not, nor ever have been, human.
The lesson there is that it will take workers armed to the teeth to take back their rights. Learn or burn kids
honestly you don’t want a guy with no sense of humor anyway
Not falling so much as being torn apart. We are in no way doing this voluntarily
Fucking conehead should haul ass back to Remulak
Fuck his stupid ass. Keep far far away from him
The circle of life
They all have the same disease
If he thinks his kid will keep him from being beat to hell he is as ususl sadly misinformed
Do it honey. Make em pay for suckin orange ass
“unexpectedly”. yep nobody anywhere ever saw it coming. idjits
Or Some Hot Mama