Oh, sorry, i thought we were shitposting on a meme. Ok, serious lore stuff.
The Valar (gods) would not be affected by the Ring. Yes. However, the undying lands are also inhabited by Maiar (wizards, balrogs, etc.) and Eldar (elves) who could most definitely be corrupted by the Ring. After the attack by Ungoliant and Morgoth on the Two Trees of Light the Valar were very picky about who could enter Valinor. Hell, they sundered the seas just to further control access to their shores.
So I think it’s pretty safe to say the Ring would not be permitted access to the West, directly prevented by the Valar themselves. They would never permit the taint of corruption in their own halls
Heh heh, taint
Booo! I bet you think “Rev up like a deuce” is better than “Roll up like a douche” as well, you insufferable pedant ^/s