Fucking coward won’t do shit when it matters, neither will Susan collins, murkowski or any of these fucking villains.
Fucking coward won’t do shit when it matters, neither will Susan collins, murkowski or any of these fucking villains.
I hope you learn to consider nuance and stop arguing against the interests of workers in favor of heartless corporations.
“labor that doesn’t need to exist” feels like it’s from a very privileged POV. what if those 30-40 mins here and there are the difference between me meeting the 29 hour a week threshold required to qualify for health or education benefits?
I’m commenting from a US biased perspective where you seem to be commenting from a European perspective based on your spelling. If that’s the case, you already have your core needs met through your government, we do not in this flawed country.
I don’t think this comment actually responds to my points. I’ve worked many hourly retail and restaurant jobs myself. In many there was a regular struggle to hit minimum hours per week to qualify for benefits and managers were instructed to cut people during perceived slow times - none of this considering that I sat in an hour traffic to show up for my scheduled 8 hour shift that I need to meet to make my rent.
I was happy when gobacks piled up, shelves needed to be faced, tables needed to be bused and yes, to carts needed to be collected. When that was the case, I typically made my hours in those common, “we’re going to need to cut someone” moments.
Again, this entire conversation seems biased to the business owner, the corporation’s labor cost, and not the employee. Saying “all the carts are going to hit cars” is a false premise, in my opinion. And what I’m arguing for is the “good trouble” version of this. Place the carts safely away and maybe near the corral, but not in the corral.
Ketamine is a brand name. The generic version of that drug is actually more effective and it has a really pretty name… Guillotine.
Why is this practice promoted?
It’s someone’s job and they make their money grabbing those carts, aren’t we taking that away from them if all is perfectly arranged and they can just collect the carts in 2 minutes? This concept seems to only benefit the business in saving labor?
Coincidentally, I was checking out two days ago at a Costco and the manager came up to my cashier and said, “close up after this one, I’m going to send you home early okay?” The cashier said, “yeah, I guess…” But you could tell they clearly didn’t want to leave early. If there were a bunch of carts in the parking lot at that point, feels like that person might get an extra 30 mins or so on the clock… Why aren’t we supporting that? Manager would say, " let’s close you down after this one, and then please do a lap in the parking lot to grab carts before you go"
Us carefully putting the carts away as customers is just free labor that the corporation benefits from… Period. How does this help the worker making an hourly wage?
These fucking “plays” happen in public to distract you from larger things. These parasites need each other, don’t believe their horseshit.
You don’t push for the dismantling of the platform if you have an issue, you push for reform.
What sane fucking person thinks any of this would cost less?
That’s not how it works here… Don’t pretend and welcome his horseshit. This is probably about making a personal enemies list
It’s already past time to be making those calls, at the least.
Jobs numbers were going to be bad with tech layoffs, this is just to obfuscate
The judge didn’t make life hell for trump. trump did that for himself.
Ridiculous fucking headline.
Note: This message was sent from the Gulf of Mexico
Also, probably nobody is fucking him…
His kids arrive through IVF and surrogacy. I imagine half because he’s actually a nazi and wants the electronics angle of having a child selected for traits to start his own little master race of people who jump up and try to make an X with their word bodies… And half because he probably has weird genitals and has probably only ever actually been physically sexual with his own mom (if his dad is any indication of how that family works, plus his weird public relationship with his Nazi hunger games mom).
Headline doesn’t want to say someone’s name…
In a way, I’m sure this was that with less distribution.
Also imagine he puts chips in all the kids heads that can be remotely detonated so that the mothers stay loyal and humiliate themselves publicly through tweeting perpetually (see grimes).
Because otherwise they are just broken, depraved villians complicit for the “fun” of it.
He doesn’t fire anyone, he let’s other people threaten to for hoping they quit before they realize he’s full of shit.
That’s your description of this fucking ghoul, from all the words to use?
A person who was fucking let go from TP USA for being too big of a piece of shit? Do you realize how outrageous that statement is?
Author? Holy shit.
Artists are wonderful and needed. Protect creative humans. Thanks for this.