Just look up Foxconn in Wisconsin if you want a preview of what’s to come.
Just look up Foxconn in Wisconsin if you want a preview of what’s to come.
Great movie! I was flipping channels in a hotel and stumbled across it. It was 1/3 of the way in but I was immediately captivated. I need to watch it all the way through at some point.
That’s because brakes are made from asbestos and every time you hit the break, they wear down. I work on old buildings and people always comment about working around asbestos but the people standing on street corners are exposed to far more than I am on a day to day basis.
What worked for me was to find a replacement for the sensation in my mouth. The big problem with a lot of sodas is the sugar and calories so I wanted to find a substitute that’s lower in those categories. I broke my addiction to Mt Dew with a big glass of the coldest water I could get, the cold mouth feel took the place of the fizzy one. I’m back on fizzy stuff but I stick to flavored seltzer water and usually only one with dinner.
Not as bad as others thankfully but mine is: the world shut down due to a global pandemic.
The Wavebird wasn’t the first wireless game controller but it was the first one I remember being popular. Though, it also came out a few years after the GameCube. Still love my GameCube and my Wavebird Wireless controller.
It’s not in any sort of order but if you like podcasts, there’s one I like called The Dollop. It’s two comedians, one does a researched deep dive into American history and then he writes a narrative for his friend and then they riff and make jokes which helps keep it entertaining. They cover big topics and people like presidents and also lesser known stories. It’s all over the place in terms of timeline but I think it does a good job of doing a deeper dive on topics that just get glossed over but you can also see the similar thought patterns between people hundreds of years ago and today that lead to the same stupid ideas and decisions.
The police in the US are there to protect and serve the 1%, AKA the Oligarchs. It’s be wonderful if they actually wanted to serve and provide safety for their communities. I’m sure there are a few in every city that actually want to do the right thing but as a whole, police are basically only around to protect property and harass anyone they think might be a threat to said property, especially when said property is owned by one of the Oligarchs.
Good point, climate change is one reason I decided not to have children. But, I have young nieces and nephews and I’d like for them to have a wonderful world to inherit.
Our current way of living definitely is doomed and maybe humanity is too but I take solace in the fact that Mother Nature has bounced back after some pretty bad catastrophes. It’s cliche but “life finds a way”.
That said, I wish we could get our collective head out of our ass and work towards solutions rather than relying on that hope.
Kevin Gade, COO at investment firm Bahl & Gaynor, which owns about 2.6% of UnitedHealth shares, said companies like UnitedHealth play an important role in providing critical and needed care for all patients within an inefficient U.S. healthcare system that needs to evolve.
Kevin Gade left out the important part, it’s the bullshit insurance companies that make the system inefficient. There is literally no role, critical or otherwise, for Insurance companies when it comes to matters of healthcare. Why do I need to talk to an insurance company? Let my doctor, the hospital, and myself make those decisions. Not some Executive Oligarch on the quest for more money.
The article full of all kinds of weird descriptions that seem to intentionally downplay everything. I just made a comment about them calling the Unabomber “wacky”. Interesting that they don’t call this young man an Ivy League Grad in the title but they do mention it in the article.
What strange choice of words to describe Ted Kaczynskl as “wacky”. He was a terrorist who killed people because of the destruction of the environment. So misguided or extreme might be good descriptive words but he definitely wasn’t Steve Urkle.
For which game? I haven’t played Hogwarts yet but I just scaled up the UI for Against the Storm and have no issues reading the text.
According to a new press release issued by Patrick, “retailers exploited the [state’s] agriculture law to sell life-threatening, unregulated forms of THC to the public and made them easily accessible.”
Damn how strong is the weed in Texas if it’s life threatening? To add to that, if they’re worried about life threatening substances they better get to work banning alcohol too.
P.S. Nothing says FreedomTM like a ban.
I bought Against the Storm a few weeks ago and that has taken most of my gaming time. Just bought Hogwarts Legacy from the sale, I’ll probably fire that up sometime soon.
I think “Get him to the Greek” isn’t more popular because it was a spin off of “Forgetting Sarah Marshall” which was a better movie IMO.
My god be with you, he’s no longer with me.
Join me, I’ve been boycotting them for years.