That could be the case. My work machine is on Debian 12 and I believe still on x11. I haven’t messed with Wayland yet.
That could be the case. My work machine is on Debian 12 and I believe still on x11. I haven’t messed with Wayland yet.
I use these with good success. Can set up global/system-wide or per-app gestures and multi-finger actions. Works good in my opinion.
Bought this on a deep sale last summer and love it on the deck. I don’t tend to play racing games much but the crazy tracks and destruction physics looked way too fun and I’ve played it a ton.
Use a DNS service like NextDNS or Control D and check the activity logs, block as needed. Or as others have said, UBlock has a custom rule creation feature. Use it. You select the elements you want to nuke, preview to see if it’s working as intended, if it is click save rule.
I’m no math wizard but I’ve read 68k people die per year from preventable shit due to denied claims. Brian worked at United since 2004, CEO since 2021 so he contributed directly or indirectly to that number of deaths per year, at least the portion United is responsible for. United has double the industry average of rejected claims.
It’s def higher than OP states.
Brian Thompson and his co-workers murder hundreds of thousands of people with systemic neglect, spreadsheets, and lawyers. They murder in broad daylight, during business hours. And yet they’re comfortable, well paid, successful people who will never see a day in jail. What they’re doing isn’t even considered a crime.
I hope he doesn’t get caught, also. Because the same laws that protect those fucking ghouls will crush him for bringing attention to the grift.
Her and her husband were sick af. It’s good they got caught (relatively) early into their thing, they almost certainly would’ve continued on with that shit indefinitely if they could’ve.
Only two convicted murders but one of them was her own sister, Karla Homolka served 12 years and got out in 2005.
Yeah I tried an @ and then some markdown and then just went hrrumphsend. Who’d have thought it’s a bang?
Anyway now I know.
I’m going to pop into Boost’s community and suggest they hardcode it in the edit-post modal or something for us lazy people. 🤣
Thanks. I tried to look up how to format it but failed. Will fix now.
I’ve used wi-fi calling fairly extensively mostly because I’ve lived in areas where there was zero cell service but ready access to internet (via Starlink or other wireless forms of it). One thing I do know is that my phone co. requests that I fill out a form specifying where I am living currently (whilst using it) so that if I ever need to contact emergency services they’ll have a better idea of where to route the call to. For instance my phone number originates from Western BC but I could potentially be using wi-fi calling from anywhere in the province. I mention this to say, it appears my telco doesn’t have a way to triangulate me with this service.
I can further attest that wi-fi call & text reception still works fine when I have a VPN running on the router that my mobile device is connecting to. Make of that information what you wish.
Though that I have read that wi-fi calling is atrocious for privacy reasons that I have not followed up on. Given the above I’m not sure how or why that would be the case, but basically if I’m in an area with cell coverage I turn it off. I’ve always meant to look deeper into how or why it might be bad (or worse) in some way.
Localsend has a config named ‘auto-accept’ or whatever it’s called, in advanced settings.
Jaimie Johnson who filmed the documentary Born Rich (and its sequel) pissed off enough of his family and peers that he was almost thrown out of high society for exposing its underbelly. He also lives a pretty normal life echewing his family fortune which is pretty dope. Might be along the lines of what you’re looking for. Good films either way.
ETA check out The One Percent as well, his follow-up from the first film.
100%. I worked with an old-timer Newfoundlander who delighted in telling me that in the ought-sorties when he was a teen he passed out in a dinghy on the dock after a night of drinking and woke up at sea as an accidental stow-away on some merchant ship. He hid as long as he could but eventually got caught and it was some ship/crew from the eastern hemisphere and (to hear him tell it) threatened him with going overboard unless he got to work in the galley so that’s what he did. He said he sailed with them all over the world for two or three years before landing in Canada again and decided to take a stroll around his former community to learn that his family had assumed him dead, had the whole funeral or whatever, case closed in their minds. I asked him if he looked up his people to let them know and he was like fuck that shit I hated all of them with a passion! so he went back out to sea and did that most of his life. He was hilarious.
Are you talking about America lol
I also use adblocking at multiple levels so it wasn’t a huge thing for me (been blocking Pocket and other bullshit for years at the dns and network levels) but I still feel like Mozilla witnessed Google going for broke with killing mv2 and inline ads on YouTube and decided wellll our existing users probably wouldn’t notice or care if we slipped in an opt-out fuckery… But we did. Immediately.
For any browser trying to sell itself as “the only privacy browser on the market” this was a dumb fucking move by any metric. Like why not just openly admit we’re going with the Brave browser model?
No it’s not. But if we’re hoping Firefox will be better in some way we’d expect more from them. Wouldn’t we?
On Mac I’ve found Safari gets thru every time for some reason where chrome and Firefox do not. I might have the prevent IP tracking setting enabled or whatever but I never have to turn off my VPN (nor sign in) if the other browsers get flagged. Ymmv.