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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: July 26th, 2023

  • I think their point is that once biology is involved it’s no longer a social construct.

    I also think that people conflate sex and gender and it makes things unnecessarily confusing.

    For sake of argument let’s stick with binary for now.

    There are words that describe sex. There are words that describe gender. And there are words that can be used as a shortcut for a combination of both.

    For example (and if you don’t like my example substitute your own words): a masculine female is often called a tomboy or described as butch.

    TERFs probably feel that the term woman is a shortcut for feminine females, and that those who aren’t female but are feminine are not Champagne, they are sparkling wine. And it’s easy to see why someone would be insulted by that opinion. Strictly speaking, being told “you’re not a woman” isn’t necessarily an attack, or stating that you shouldn’t exist. But yes (obviously!) people with extreme views jump onto that bandwagon and are willing to kill/oppress to make everyone the same cuz they can’t handle weird people.

    Yes, trans people are weird (queer means weird!). But weird isn’t bad, and people who think weird is bad are not people I would want to hang out with, even if they also happen to be trans. Pride is about pride: own your weirdness.

  • Do you pay taxes? Guess you love Nazis. Pieces of shit are everywhere and it’s not possible to boycott them all. Yes, this game is a luxury. Yes, you can still be a good person if you buy it.

    Given Rowling’s existing wealth and influence I think the world is better off with the game than without it. It’s not like this marginal increase in money will allow her to create a disproportionate amount of hate she is not already doing. You are why people make fun of cancel culture. If you want allyship you should pick better battles. It’s possible to be intolerant of intolerance and still purchase this game.

    And I say this as someone who never liked Harry Potter and thought the game was average (way too easy except for the very last boss fight).

  • Jumping a turnstile is less theft than adblocking. That subway train is gonna run whether I’m there or not. On a site, you are more directly consuming their resources.

    In any case, due to capitalism you can’t give companies an inch cuz they are required to abuse the shit out of it to squeeze out as much money as possible. It’s not enough to show an ad at the start of a YouTube video, now you have to have multiple unskippable ads at the start and also in the middle of it too. And that’s not enough either, now you gotta track people across websites, even if they aren’t logged in, to show more ads. And that’s not enough either, now you gotta sell user data because if you don’t, you’re leaving money on the table. It’s gross.