Who else?
Who else?
I’m only vaguely with the concept, but have you looked into asexualism? It sounds to me more like a generally low sex drive as opposed to only liking the most beautiful 0.01% on the planet.
Do you feel lust and sexual attraction to these super models?
For a while, it was full of pictures. Only pictures. That “lunch” thing was trendy but not at all the main content. Whatever you wanted, it was there. It was no different than any other platform. Some great content, some bullshit. Now it’s shitty “reels”, ads, and fraud. You’d have to sift through a lot of forced garbage to find your subscribed content.
Do you think wildfires are a result of state lines? Do you have any idea how big California is? Wait till you find out dry California weather is not 100% related the general state drought conditions because of the unregulated almond farming factor?
Super models aren’t somehow wired to only like other super models. A person’s outwards looks don’t tell you what they find attractive. When you see gorgeous celebrity couples, they’re only getting that coverage because they’re both gorgeous (Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt). Some remaining romance coverage goes towards couples where one is gorgeous and the other is talented/accomplished (Aubrey Plaza and Jeff Baena). The other 99% of couples don’t get any media attention because it’s not fun to talk about #4 sexiest woman of 2021 and her husband, extra #4.
It’s completely normal to be attracted to super models. They are literally chosen as excellent candidates for conventionally attractive builds and then dolled up to close the gap on perfection. Keep in mind, you’re probably ignoring a huge swath of models that aren’t your flavor of perfection as that varies between cultures and ethnicities. What you can hopefully realize is those perfect images have a ton of work done to the “base” person by makeup, lighting, camera angle, and photoshop. They’re generally not real. Such gorgeous celebrities are so far from their perfected image that they often go unrecognized in public if not for some unique visual trait. Even just having an unfamiliar accent makes people doubt the identity.
You want a real shock (assuming you’re a straight male)? Look up your favorite porn stars without makeup. The picture is out there.
You don’t need to change your lust for super models, just hopefully come to realize they’re a fantasy. And more than anything, those perfect 21 year old looks won’t last. They may be perfect for 30 or perfect for 40, but not for 21. And that’s OK. Your opinion will change as you age yourself. 8th grade me though high schoolers were adults. Now I don’t even want to be seen with the babies called “college students”.
You never know who will walk into your life. You’ll never know what they’re thinking.
Aw man, it was good info about metals and the likely inclusion of nickel at the hardware store
For anyone confused, just gonna point out OP asked about rubber o-rings from the hardware store, not metal hardware. O-rings are non-metallic
You’re an excellent case for my point. Most car-owning households in the US have slightly more than 2 cars. An EV covers your needs 335 days of the year and a gas car covers the other 30 days, yet people act like that’s why they need a 7 seat suv every day. I plugin hybrid will be my next move when I stop picking up lumber every weekend and put my little trailer back in use for the once a month “haul”
I just said I’ll use one of the 2 other gas cars when needed and didn’t even mention the bikes, but OK, you do you, ignore everything I said about having multiple cars because you’re mated to yours for life or something. You speak for the world. You’re the face of the majority. There’s definitely not an actual silent majority of people who don’t give a shit about cars, don’t talk about cars, treat cars as a costly appliance, and keep buying EVs for their boring, sub-100 mile commutes.
Lots of people consider only their commute. They just don’t complain about… Making it to work OK? Or don’t announce it? The frequency of 200+ mile trips is vastly overestimated by anti-EV people in both terms of how often they do such trips and how many more people live in dense, urban areas. Lots of people already have shitty, dedicated commuter cars they wouldn’t want to sit in for more than an hour as it is. A half-dead 2011 Leaf would still cover my 40-mile round trip. Back when I daily’d a Geo Tracker, I’d take my spouse’s normal gas sedan if we had a trip. Or my weekend gas car. The average number of vehicles in US households that own cars is 2.3 cars. An EV can be slotted into most households without any real change.
I’m amused by the use of “automatically” when I’ve always heard it in my terrestrial life as “involuntarily”. Changes the implication in a positive way, I’d say. Involuntary means you can’t stop it. Automatic means it’s supposed to happen.
Exactly this. I don’t have time to read a 10+ minute article during this hour of shit post scrolling
Topping for baked potato, baked potato soup, and other places where potato, sour cream, and onions may intersect
And those weird products that make common, simple tasks easier (think: 90s-00s infomercial for like jar openers or soda pourers) only ever showed normal, able-bodied people badly performing tasks. Doesn’t change the fact that those were targeted at people with disabilities without singling them out. The shown user is not always the target audience.
Mission to Mars v Red Planet
Ants v Bugs Life
Deep impact v ameageddon
Olympus has fallen v white house down
Yeah, people are really good at not being confused
I’m always shocked by how unimaginative this tech-centric community acts. OK, so this version is silly for YOU. Are you the whole world? Are you the future? Stuff like this is typically a bulky demo unit in need of further development. Fringe case devices are also that - fringe case solutions. This isn’t for the person sitting at home with a dormant phone. This probably has an application in medical and scientific fields where mobility is critical, staying in one device is necessary, avoiding a tangled external battery pack is preferred, and automation prevent human error like not plugging in the dead pack fully kor at all). Could have larger applications for swapping vehicle batteries, as well.
So don’t buy it.
That’s not how it should work, but it does. It’s a conservative thing to lack empathy. They struggled 20 years ago, so 1. It must be the same exact struggle and 2. Instead of making life better for all, they’ll actively contribute to maintaining shitty life for these “entry” people because that’s apparently just how it works.
They want $15/hr for flipping burgers? I only got $4! (inflation is meaningless, intangible, and not calculable)
They want more savings and less money? Stop buying coffee! (bespoke coffee has tracked way lower than inflation, making daily Starbucks pretty insignificant compared to rent)
They want more respect in customer service? Why, I dealt with all kinds of bullshit! (as demonstrated by their shitty attitude, with less working hours, better benefits, lower population density, less stripped work force, local management support, and a higher percentage of people speaking the common language)
It’s not walking a mile in their shoes, to them. It’s walking in very different shoes and assuming everyone’s shoes are the same. Just look at any meth overdose death story when it’s a nice white girl. She just made a mistake, or got tricked, or was down on hard times. If the case looks like their own daughter, there’s empathy. Anyone else? Victim’s fault.
Has he said anything important since 1999 on scripted television?
It comes from “molon labe” (which you’ll also sometimes see) which was what the Spartans said when told to lay down their arms or face certain defeat by the Persians at thermopylae. Spoiler: they came and took them.