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Joined 10 months ago
Cake day: August 23rd, 2023


  • You’re likely not going to find a premade dashboard that does exactly what you want, but grafana is extremely powerful if you’re willing to put in the time to learn it. There are ways to visualize things across hosts without having to configure things separately for every host. If you’re using the same mechanism to scrape metrics from each (sounds like you’re using prometheus + node exporter?), this could be as simple as adding a by (node) (or whatever the label name is if it’s not node) grouping to the query on each panel.

  • When they’re not it should be raising red flags about the company using information gathered from you to make their profits.

    I suppose there’s no guarantee that Apple isn’t also collecting that data, but the pricing on those devices in a competitive market seems a lot more consistent with a company that needs a product to make a profit in a more traditional manner.

    This nicely describes the way I think of Apple - they’re not an advertising company first like google is, their business model is selling overpriced hardware and hustling devs on the App Store, so they “don’t need” to sell my data too. But then there’s like a big asterisk on the whole thing that says remember they are a trillion dollar company which means they’re almost certainly doing it anyway.

  • People keep saying the year to year changes are so incremental, I think it’s for that exact reason that people are keeping their phones for longer. It’s a waste to upgrade every year anyway. I’d love to see some data of like trade in age over time, I bet it’s up a lot lately. I’d still be using my xs today if I hadn’t dropped and busted it. Worked totally fine.