• 49 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 10th, 2023


  • Would you vote for that just because the other guy might be worse?

    Yes, are you retarded? Like you’ve gotta be actually fucking stupid to be queer and think letting republicans win to punish dems is better for you, or Palestine. American politics is harm reduction, and the choice for less harm is clear.

  • And not voting for a major party will fix that how?

    Even if a significant portion of the population goes third party (and assuming they all agree on the same party), splitting the vote has only ever helped the opposition.

    And if Democrats are just Republicans from the last election cycle, which is an absolutely unhinged notion but I’ll humor you anyway, voting for Democrats is still in my best interest since Republicans are even further right

    You’ve legitimately lost your mind in a purity test if you can’t see that.

  • on a smaller scale it’s harder to form a group that would argue for necessary support for these people

    Idk, I kinda gotta disagree with that. Sure, mob violence against “undesirables” is always gonna be a problem, but communities know each other and are less likely to see different constituent groups as “outsiders”

    But in this specific example, where we are talking about “how do we decide who gets to use violence to keep the peace,” I think community-based democratic approaches are the best option.

    I also gotta disagree with

    that community will still have its marginalized groups that don’t get representation

    because by definition, if there is a marginalized group, they are not part of that community, and instead would form their own peacekeepers, like Guardian Angels.

    Obviously there is a benefit to federalization, I’m not arguing for nor do I support statelessness, but I think if democracy is emphasized from the ground up, those issues naturally tend to erode. Like I think the core problem which necessitates the federal government stepping in to ensure rights comes from a lack of democracy.