If that guy is in his 40’s he has lived a hard life. I’m surprised he is still conscious let alone mobile.
My experience with libreoffice is that the word suggestions come from my usage.
53% voting for Jill Stein is the equivalent of throwing your vote away. It’s a passive vote for Trump
There is a difference between doing nothing and making it worse
Not voting for Harris is one vote because it takes one of her votes away. Voting for Trump out of spite is two votes (taking one away from her and giving one to him).
Are you seriously suggesting putting up a lawn sign is communal engagement? Is a t-shirt with a slogan social discourse?
Your comment reinforces the point I am making - people are easily swayed by the inconsequential
Wish they were more specific about the Special Purpose.
No I’m not. I am not interested in academic study. I am interested in real world application. I am aware of justified true belief and that most people don’t apply it. My curiosity is in how people acnually think about the concept.
That is like the home owner’s application of the scientific method: test the hypothesis until you decide it is a pretty solid system
Your description makes belief sound like willful ignorance.
It sounds like the real challenge is knowing when you have enough information to convert your educated guess into full-blown knowledge
What about the ideas that can be neither confirmed nor denied like the existence of extraterrestrial life or a machine of 100% efficiency?
What if you should have some doubt (belief) but due to ignorance or hubris do not and so you elevate a concept to ‘knowledge’ that should not rightfully be there? I’m not trying to be argumentative, I’m genuinely curious about that gray area of misplaced confidence.
So, if we haven’t studied the underlying axioms or foundation of a conclusion, we cannot have knowledge of it? That seems to imply the only things we have knowledge of are the things we have invested significant time and energy into. It’s that correct?
If so much is contextual, is there no knowledge based on truth or fact?
So the stronger the feeling of identifying with a concept, the stronger the belief that it is true?
I’m 6 episodes in and loving it.
I predicted in about 10 years disclaimers at the beginning will include, ‘This show depicts murder. Neither the show’s creators producers or actors condone the taking of another human life.’
It wasn’t the Democratic voters that were the issue, they were never going to vote for Trump. Worst case scenario, they stay home. It was the independents and left-leaning Republicans that needed to be converted. There are a lot more of them, and they were frustrated by the southern border, the culture was and inflation.