autumn (she/they)


  • 6 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: January 11th, 2023


  • i had coffee with a (newish) friend of mine last week. we’ve only met a handful of times because scheduling in your 30s is impossible, i guess?

    had my first (dog) agility lesson since october. unfortunately my older dog hurt his paw, so only the younger one could go. the good news is that the younger one did really well! i think, now that she’s a bit past three years old, her puppy brain is finally turning into an adult dog brain.

    we saw the boy and the heron on saturday, and it is so, so good. i’m already itching to rewatch it when it becomes available digitally since i feel like i missed a lot of little details.

    i spent saturday night house sitting for two big cuddly dogs (pictured below).

    golden on a couch playing tug with a lab mix on the floor

  • definitely not a stupid question!

    typically there is food and drinks (alcoholic and otherwise). often a fire if the weather cooperates. mostly it’s just a way to gather up like minded friends on a regular basis so we can catch up. sometimes there’s a theme (plant swap, remembering our loved ones who have passed recently, craft night, etc.), but usually it’s very casual.

  • the foss crowd can be very “i know better than you” in my experience (a femme-presenting person in tech). i started a geographically local instance because that was what i missed most about that sort of social media: finding out about stuff that was happening nearby.

    what kinds of things are you looking for on mastodon? there are also lots of hobby-related instances with overlapping foss interests that tend to be more chill from what i’ve seen.

  • had a very busy and productive week.

    • went to a full moon gathering
    • rode in the social bike ride i used to lead
    • finally upgraded the community forum i help run
    • competed some online training needed for the dog rescue i volunteer with
    • hosted a meetup for the bike camping group
    • went to a small holiday house party and did pretty well at playing werewolf
    • cleaned my bike chain
    • winterized the travel trailer
    • got some bookkeeping done for my side ventures/communities
    • sold a bicycle that was too small for me
    • attended a yoga class (and ran into my friend’s girlfriend there, which was rad!)