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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 8th, 2023


  • djsoren19@yiffit.nettoPolitical Memes@lemmy.worldGreat.
    2 days ago

    They just talk about the fate of democracy because it’s a nice scary headline to pull in ratings. None of them give a fuck about this country, and will use their money to leave before they face the consequences of a Trump presidency. Corporate media will kill democracy for 3% more profit.

  • Which by the way, is an entirely self-inflicted wound. There was nothing stopping Biden from not running in the first place, and instead spending the four years pulling up a new candidate from the likeable semi-progressive crowd like Buttigeg. Instead, it seems the DNC have gotten high huffing their own farts. Biden barely beat Trump the first time and began polling worse almost immediately. Instead of reading the writing in the wall, they invented the narrative that Biden was some kinda “Trump Kryptonite” who would always be able to beat him. That message has always been bullshit, but last night the DNC got to realize how bullshit it is.

    Imagine how much of a slam dunk win this would be if DNC spent the last four years working on a strategy to win, like the GOP have. They could deflect on Israel, show a graceful transition of power, and they didn’t have to run a geriatric. Instead, they assumed they had this in the bag again, and might fucking lose because of it again.