Oh, Ah, Up the 'Ra
Oh, Ah, Up the 'Ra
Soft is a no-no word around Trump. He wants rock hard power, gay porn hard power.
The Convites are a special breed of abject morons who couldn’t recognize authoritarianism if it hit them in the face. They were manipulated by Russia to do their dumbass protest, enabled by the cops (OPP and OPS were fucking worst than useless) and fueled by MAGA conspiracies.
Likely both
Not really new, China was doing it during COVID, the Russians must be doing it to crush dissent as well.
Total Porn Blackout.
As if I have any fucks left to give. The US can burn to the ground for all I care.
Piss off the Irish, that never blew up in anybody’s face in the past.
It didn’t work in the Second Boer War either, Breaker Morant learn this the hard way.
Billy West is a national treasure
My indifference couldn’t be lower
We make enough cobalt-60 to make cobalt bombs
The medias are normalizing the pathological behaviours from the GOP. That false requirement to be unbiased in the face of the most serious breach to the constitution is what got us here.
Not all ideas are worth consideration and mainstream medias are failing to understand that.