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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 25th, 2023

  • Having at least a few hours of sleep between all that shit you studied and your test will get better results than pulling an all nighter to study like 4 more hours. First of all, your brain sucks balls at information storage and retrieval when you’re exhausted. And second of all, sleep is when your brain organizes all the new info you picked up, so you will actually remember more of what you studied after you’ve slept.

    1. Something you’re at least vaguely interested in and don’t mind doing.
    2. Something you’re at least vaguely interested in and don’t mind doing.
    3. Blockchain, because it’s a scam that is rapidly disintegrating.

    No one else can tell you what you should pursue. I didn’t know what I did or didn’t like until I tried a few things and figured out what aspects of them I like and what aspects were not for me. For instance, I don’t like frontend programming and I absolutely hate dealing with external clients. I do something more like data engineering, which a lot of people find deadly boring but I find perfectly satisfactory.

    The other thing that’s been really important to me is decoupling my career from my self-worth. My job is not the most important thing about me. My job is something I do so I can get paid enough to do the things I actually want to do. I don’t need to LOVE my job. I need to like it enough to mostly not dislike having to do it 40 hours a week. For me this means I don’t find the work boring, I work with nice people, I mostly don’t have to do things I HATE (e.g. client presentations), and I’m not doing anything that conflicts with my values (e.g. I wouldn’t work on blockchain, or law enforcement projects).

  • Not really. They put dogs under for xrays because they need the dog to be still for the xray. If your dog was elderly or had some specific reason that anesthesia was high risk, I’m sure they’d consider alternatives.

    I’ve never heard of pets being anesthetized for microchips and I’ve had chipped pets since the late 90s.

  • My parents’ dog is terrified of fireworks and the only thing that helps him is a xanax prescription from his vet.

    It’s my puppy’s first 4th of July so I made sure he had a busy, fulfilling day and I’m getting lots of enrichment activities ready for him to put out when the sun goes down. We’ve got the windows closed and I’m going to put on music for him. When there are fireworks he and I are going to hang out and play BoomCookie – he hears a boom, he gets a cookie. Hopefully he’ll decide it’s not that big of a deal. (But I don’t have high hopes because his breed are meant to be watch dogs and he’s an alert barker… 😬)