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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: September 29th, 2023

  • Honestly we just had an election where I live where the options were (not to this extreme at all) but pretty similar in the “not great” vs “fucking awful” choices. Of course we had an actual third party with good policies but they had no chance. The race was so close here that in some areas the difference in votes was in the hundreds for the top two choices. They’re still doing recounts and I guess we’ll see, but every single fucking vote has counted on this.

    I honestly don’t believe that not voting is ever going to work. If we want change we need an actual fucking revolution. Not voting, in American’s case, would just allow for the literal militants to take over and then you really won’t even have the choice to protest anything in the future.

  • Idk if this is an effective life hack but I’ve seen a few instances where just appealing makes things go away (whether they were warranted or not).

    Just last week I had a friend appeal a ticket just because he didn’t realize it was paid parking, they let him go as a first time incident.

    My partner has appealed 3 tickets on separate occasions and gotten away pretty scot free (twice, a typo on the ticket and once the cop showed up to the appeal and told him to donate some money to charity in lieu of forcing him to pay the ticket). Most of the time it’s more effort for them to fight you on it, so you might as well try ¯\_(ツ)_/¯