Reminds me of this.
Officials in California dedicated the Folsom Dam Memorial, which will honor the nearby residents that will die when the faulty dam fails.
This is a secondary account that sees the most usage. My first account is listed below. The main will have a list of all the accounts that I use.
Garbage: Purple quickly jumps candle over whispering galaxy banana chair flute rocks.
Reminds me of this.
Officials in California dedicated the Folsom Dam Memorial, which will honor the nearby residents that will die when the faulty dam fails.
The security of our nation is a conflict of interest for the leadership is it not?
He already has your vote. He’s no longer interested in doing further business with you.
This is precisely the outcome that they desire.
Almost certainly, it shall be achieved.
Dictators like President Musk always have the thinnest skin.
Putin: And if it ends up killing Americans, even better!
Out of tree module taints kernel for a reason.
She knows. She’s fucking with you.
Someone deserves a pardon then!
I believe it does take confirmation via the ENTER key.
And now a word from our sponsors.
Is there something special about the placenta itself that may lead to bacterial infections? The link isn’t clear to me from the article other the coincidental finding of a processed placenta containing bacteria.
This is abhorrent, but are there actually any schools that check for this vaccination? This feels performative.
That sea of change is coming whether it’s DNC-approved or not. That change appears to be in the form of a far-right authoritarian regime in part for its failure to participate in change in more meaningful ways that actually mobilizes voters.
There’s a project that automatically corrects common errors with your last command as well with the same name.
He never pays his bills, but surely he will pay us for our hard work!
It’s time to stop posting anon. You’re free.
Definitely reflects his stated feelings about service members.
I feel very similar about this subject as I do about climate change.
I recycle. I don’t use plastic bags, straws, or cups. I vote. Still the earth warms.