I mean it’s been like 20 years, I’m over it, but kid me is still angsty
Hunches and gut feelings. Dreams in waking life.
I mean it’s been like 20 years, I’m over it, but kid me is still angsty
My dog back >:(
Hahaha what would it sound like in German? gelb warten?
Iceland as long as you don’t go to the Highlands lol
Puzzle #591
In french, Jonathan sounds like ‘jaune attend’ (yellow waits)
What’s yellow, and waiting? Jonathan.
e: i promise it’s not racist
It’s basically an easier wordle (for me at least) but the clue is that it’s the most searched query in google, so you end up guessing what word it is without struggling with finding letters
I love Flagle, Geogrid, and Searchle
You have welcomed and taken great care of my memes in the past, I shall send more your way
Puzzle #587
I’m not sure I personally feel comfortable with NYT requiring
alcohol knowledge to solve this Connections and a previous Strands
#travle #764 +0 (Perfect)
It’s like people were born after Snowden’s leaks
He’s going to be locked in my basement
I want to be a renaissance painter
Don’t monkey pawn me