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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 10th, 2023


  • No.

    If you ever so carefully paint yourself into a corner then the corner is where you will be stuck. How badly do you want out of your corner?

    There are FOSS and SAAS options that could work if you wanted them to… but whether they will depends on you.

    Meat eaters trying to become vegetarian for ethical reasons often fail because the “un-meat” options out there don’t meet their standards. Success almost always requires some letting go and re-adjusting. If you are not open to that then don’t force yourself to put up with something you don’t really want.

  • I view college as training for dealing with deadlines and some logic practice (e.g. this essay isn’t coherent; math exam next Wednesday). I never see people come through the door ready to go… it takes a few weeks before even the most basic tasks can be delegated. Their writing still sucks 90% of the time, and their math is usually shaky (lucky we have automated many steps with computers.)

    I agree that the pace at which all this goes is exhausting and more breaks are needed, but the third world is still full of people working overtime to overtake these “professional” jobs that colleges purport to prep workers for. Don’t go to an overpriced Ivy League school and take on debt and expect a 20h week… go to a govt sponsored school and be prepared to compete with the remote workers working for the company that is undercutting your employer. Welcome to globalization.

  • Pretty vague question.

    One assumption that “mathy types” like to make is that the slope be negative-proportional to how far the value (not slope) is from the desired target value… and then you get an exponential decay (buzzword). But there are lots of other assumptions one could make… some of which lead to PID control (buzz; very mathy stuff).

    But these days you could use a neural net (buzz; so mathy they don’t usually pretend to understand what the NN “learns”) or fuzzy logic (buzz; which is ideally intuitive but has many surprisingly mathy assumptions) to make the behavior nonlinear and go to the desired result much faster… so really, there are many many possible answers. Maybe you can watch some ELI5 videos about these buzzwords and refine your question?

  • We have a political environment that lacks credible independent commentators (e.g. Walter Cronkite), so anyone presenting themselves as independent who calls bullshit on a politico is immediately labeled as biased.

    What mechanism do you think could overcome this and pull the mic plug to reduce the incentive to lie without immediately being vigorously attacked?

  • There are thousands of programs for Linux… but you should be warned that relatively few programs run natively on both Windows and Linux. In some cases there are ways to run “Windows programs” on Linux, but in general such successes are special cases. If you absolutely must have Windows you can run it in a virtual machine… but you will most likely be happiest with Linux if you aren’t chasing after such things.

    I use Windows for work because our IT department only supports that… but I use cygwin and wsl to get a smidgen of my familiar Linux tools that I use on my personal computers.

  • NPR sez Florida law would disallow him voting, but he wasn’t convicted in Florida, so they defer to the law in the state where he was convicted. New York allows felons to vote up until they are imprisoned, which doesn’t seem likely to happen before election day since he is appealing. Skin of teeth again.