Nano is just better and I’ll happily die on this hill
Nano is just better and I’ll happily die on this hill
God fucking damn it
Orr honestly doesn’t surprise me. Always kinda got that feeling from him
God damn it don’t tell me fucking Gretsky’s a trump fan. Already pissed off about Subban
As a web guy, absolutely. It’s the fucking worst
I’d imagine the numbers of dead people eventually get cycled around to. 9 digits only gives you 999,999,999 people to go through, and we have over a third of that in existence right now.
They have thousands upon thousands of them sitting in their factories right now that they can’t sell
I believe on Android and iOS you can press volume down to silence a ringer without hanging up. I know you can on Samsung at least
As a person from a military family, they’d clock you instantly. Once you live among military people, you begin to be able to spot who is or isn’t military instantly. Even not being in the military myself, I can almost always at least guess their branch and get within a rank or 2. I’ve never seen my dad not get branch and exact rank within a couple seconds of talking to someone
Ah, right, oops
Damn, now I’m just “this person”? I care immensely about the Palestinian people dying, thanks very much. I’m just being realistic about our options. In what possible way was sitting this out and letting Trump take over better for literally anybody in the world at all? Forget skin color, Trump and Elon taking over is bad for everybody expect the uber wealthy.
Just rolling over and letting a man who admitted he’d be a dictator on day one as well as saying he’d rather destroy Gaza than find a peaceful solution was definitely worth it to stick it to the Dems!
Thankfully I have one, but I honestly may try this just for the experience!
I mean, if I was asked to pick my least hated president from among 2 rapists (minimum), limp dick Biden, fucking George Bush, and Obama, I’m picking Obama. If you’d have asked me like 2 months ago, it’s Carter hands down, but alas
Thanks! I’ve definitely got to try this sometime!
Imma need the recipe for honey maple lime wings. That sounds god damn delicious
I tried using it to spit ball ideas for my DMing. I was running a campaign set in a real life location known for a specific thing. Even if I told it to not include that thing, it would still shoe horn it in random spots. It quickly became absolutely useless once I didn’t need that thing included
Sorry for being vague, I just didn’t want to post my home town on here
Hey now, markdown serves it’s purpose. It’s not great, but as a web dev, I don’t want people expecting full WYSIWYG editors in every website cause fuck that!
Cause that’s not the order the song goes in?
Edit: don’t downvote them folks. They might not have known how a Katy Perry Carly Rae Jepsen song from a decade ago goes!
The key difference here is “it’s printed at the bottom”.
I don’t immediately need a user guide to tell me how to save and exit the program