• 5 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • I understand your anger and agree that anti-vaxxers are stupid. I believe public health education should be part of the school system.

    I also agree that it’s responsible for a society to impose reasonable restrictions on members that endanger it.

    I think people do have an ethical obligation to take reasonable precautions avoid potentially exposing others to pathogens. Vaccination is an example of reasonable precaution. People have the right to bodily autonomy, do not vaccinate them against their wishes.

    I do not support the firing of workers for refusing vaccinations if they can do their job remotely. People shouldn’t have to decide between their religious beliefs and employment if their employment doesn’t bring them into contact with others. (Imo anti-vaxx is essentially a religion, this may say more about my beliefs regarding religion than about anti-vaxx sentiment).

    By all means exclude the unvaccinated from places where they can be reasonably understood to endanger the public, or others that have a similar right to be there.

  • I hear what you’re saying, but I think that as a human that thinks that democracy and human rights are like pretty important, it’s hard for me not to support the people I see opposing a system like Russia’s.

    And yeah I get that Ukraine’s democracy has problems, and Russia is probably not as bad as western media would have us believe, but I can’t believe I’m so deceived that democracies shouldn’t resist imperial aggression.

    It sucks that ordinary people get their lives destroyed, but we should blame Russia, and support Ukrainians in resisting.

    And yeah I know you didn’t say we shouldn’t, and yeah of course a lot of Ukrainians want the war to just end. I don’t know, it seems like lots still aren’t ready to give up.

  • m0darn@lemmy.catoMicroblog Memes@lemmy.worldYes, yes we do.
    23 days ago

    Height is such a bad thing to filter based on.

    My wife’s best friend was complaining about how she goes on lots of dates but there’s never a real connection. She is a little taller than average but insisted she needed a guy at least 6’2" (so he would be at least X" taller than her when she was wearing X" heels).

    That’s just a terrible priority if you want a real connection.

    Because you want to have to tilt your head up at least 20° (?) to kiss while wearing high heels, you’re willing to eliminate 95% of bachelors? Have you considered the logistics of kissing while you’re not wearing high heels?

    But the criterion was like a point of pride for her, like her ego wouldn’t allow her to look for someone less than 6’2". Super weird. Just not a good way to find a partner.

  • they aren’t just going to out themselves as pedophiles

    Of course not, that’s why I asked if you had evidence.

    The US hosts more CSAM than any other country in the world

    I think it might be more accurate to say that the US has detected more CSAM within its borders than any other nation.

    Also, I reckon that the US also has more web hosting generally than any other country in the world (36% of global webhosting).

    I think what you’re perceiving as reluctance to prosecute Jared Fogle is actually reluctance to bungle a prosecution by being hasty. Just like many people are frustrated with how long it has taken for Donald Trump to see any consequences, it takes time to assemble evidence to form an airtight case.

    I think the fact that Epstein was able to kill himself while in jail is much more compelling evidence that there is at least one very powerful pedophile. But how can we figure out who it is? Do you have any specific evidence that would help with that?

  • I’m not the person you’re replying to, nor an expert but wouldn’t they be things like:

    1. There is a reality which behaves according to certain principles within time.

    2. Humans experience reality through flawed faculties, but experiences can be aggregated in ways which reduce or eliminate the impact of those flaws.

    3. The more thoroughly those flaws are eliminated from the aggregate, the more reliably predictions can be made about the principles that govern reality.