new account bc i cant remember my old username and password :( (i was gonw for a long time)
i agree with everything, but calling cuba tiny is a bit of an understatement, cuba is about the size of portugal or bulgaria or hungary or south korea (not combined, individually)
i only ever used arch linux idk how other distributions handle it
try installing ffmpegthumbnailer and see if that works after reboot / relogin, if not uninstall and try another method
american cultural imperialism is pretty prevalent in the western world. everyone known american music, wears american clothes (jeans), speaks english, has american military bases etc
He is a modern social democrat lol, not a full blown Marxist. How do you think he made it in American politics if he was completely against Nato, he supported the Serbia bombings etc and many ofher things (thats just one thing i remember rn)
I think the whole egocentric capitalist philosophy and the use of game theory under the assumption that everyone is just selfish is the root cause of this. The capitalist liberal democratic system is a victim of itself, it devours itself.
I watched a few in depth reviews about this truck because i was really interested in it (i liked the design at first). I am not sure how this tin can passed ANY safety test, the quality is so shitty, i am really not that surprised something like this happened
i just use pacman, mean it has checksum tests after downloading since youre only really downloading the launcher