If 5 nuggets are a serving, why does a 10-piece combo come with one serving of fries and one drink?
If 5 nuggets are a serving, why does a 10-piece combo come with one serving of fries and one drink?
Segmented runs make sense in some games, but probably not something like Diablo.
Super Metroid, for example, has a lot of segmented runs between save stations. It’s a lot harder to put together a record-setting non-segmented run than it is to perfect all the segments individually. You lose precious seconds going to save stations, but you save some RNG and mistakes don’t spoil an entire run.
They said that smoking causes cancer, but he sure proved them
I don’t think the answer is safe to say
Happy, go, lucky
It’s what they want. He just wants more money and power, and doesn’t care how it happens.
deleted by creator
Of course, I will be very careful when
handlingdrinking it.
Hydrohomies approve
It’s a figure of speech. Nobody thinks she made his life actual, literal hell.
Network test where nobody can manage to queue with other people :/
A network test showing that the testing was required.
If you sign up for a network test, you have to be expecting issues like this.
Musk is trying to start another financial institution under the X brand to handle everyone’s money. The CFPB is the one agency that’s likely to prevent it from screwing over anyone dealing with it.
As has been said before, the only reason to shut down the bureau responsible for preventing scams is if you want to scam people yourself.
“Man who worked so hard to get Trump elected complains that Trump is too stupid”
Way to go, Murdoch.
To be fair, that one was meant to fail. It was supposed to show that they have no qualms with regulating women’s bodies and choices, but men’s are out of the question.
That can happen when there’s a mismatch between the sample rate your audio device expects and what it receives. One way to fix this is to force the system to only allow one sample rate. I forget which files need to be edited for this, perhaps someone else will know, but you have a list of accepted and fallback sample rates, and you need to delete all except one.
I can’t say that it will solve your specific issue, but it solved mine and I had the same symptoms.
They don’t need the N word anymore, now that they can use DEI as a direct replacement.
That creep can roll, man.
It’s definitely got similar vibes with a lot of weird interactions added to it that they don’t tell you about until you’ve already done the action.
For example, a fire type attacking an air type causes an air wall, which then blocks the next two attacks. But you don’t know that until you’ve already attacked.
A glitter type attacking any other type turns the target into a glitter type, and any element attacking a glitter type turns it into that element. That means that a battle with glitter types causes weaknesses and strengths to vary wildly throughout a battle. And battles in the game are 2V2, so it can get pretty chaotic and confusing.
Some of these buffs or debuffs don’t really make any sense and if you don’t look up interactions ahead of time, you wouldn’t expect them to happen.
A modest proposal