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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023

  • The IAs point is that they should not have to do that, partly because of first sale doctrine. They bought each ebook, and only lend out that copy, the exact same as libraries do now.

    1 bought copy, 1 lend. That’s a fair and simple system that mimics hundreds of years of physical book lending.

    Their other point is that the societal goo of allowing anyone in the world to educate themselves for free far, far outweigh the value of monetary gain for publishers. Since copyright is intended to help society, their interpretation is the better application of it.

  • I think we should still be mad at foreign adversary nations colluding with one of our politcal parties and a not at all impartial “whistleblower” to turn the tide of a presidential election.

    The emails themselves were barely relevant at all politically. Out of some 30k of them, 3 were found to be inappropriately controlled. Thats hardly an earth shattering discovery.

    The spectacle that Assange, the GOP and Russia manufactured was the issue. It was a coordinated and targeted attack on our democracy, and he deserves to be derided for his outsized part in it.

  • Nuanced? That sounds like your HR/Management is just bad at their jobs. Why post an advert for a job that you won’t fill because it’s the wrong job, then actually interview people? That’s a huge waste of everyone’s time.

    The first step when a role is open is to have the team review and update the job for the necessary skillset. Not doing that is a buisness process failure.

  • I’m talking about our broken government system, not what’s helpful. The fact that a constitutional convention is impossible is exactly the problem. Its why many parts of our democracy are broken, and will likely ultimately be the downfall of our nation.

    Thr founders called the Constitution a living document, with Jefferson specifically talking about how it must change to as American changes. To do that, they put in a wildly difficult mechanism that is nearly impossible to actually invoke, and added lifetime arbiter roles that can opt to unwind any law not written in pen and ink on that same paper.

    Those are critical fuckups if you intend to have a living document and a shapeable democracy.

  • mosiacmango@lemm.eetoGreentext@sh.itjust.worksAnon meets his gf's parents
    3 days ago

    Sounds legal overall for America. “Brandishing” is generally illegal, i.e pulling out your gun and pointing it at or actively threatening someone with it, regardless if you fire it.

    Pulling out your legal gun in your home and setting it flat on your table? Hard to argue it was a threatening without a stated threat or some other action. It may have been one, but id be suprised if anyone would arrest someone over that.

    OP pulling his own gun does make this a hilarious and potentially deadly situation. It’s very possible the father is a scared pissbaby and just starts blasting.

  • They called them “apodments” there for a bit, but “dormitory” is probably a more accurate term. Small 300sqft rooms, sometimes with a small kitchenette but generally shared kitchen/baths on each floor.

    The gimmick is that they were “cheaper” than full apartments for people that just need to sleep somewhere and then leave, but I think they fell out of vogue with luxury apartments taking over instead.

    On the plus side for conversions, old 70s era and early office building apprently convert pretty well to residential before they are a ways overbuilt for office space compared to more modern buildings. Likely thousands of possible units in most cities.