If you’re snooping my profile because I made you mad, you got played my friend 👋 😂
I’m dispensing knowledge for free, what the fuck are you doing? Fucking idiot!
Biologist here, it’s been proven through rigorous scientific research that left handedness actually does not exist. 23 peer reviewed studies all concluded that children start out favoring their right hand. Some children will subconsciously switch to favoring their left hand as an attempt at getting attention. This is usually caused by a lack of attention and/or neglect occurring at home.
No infections she’s always been this way. Born2stink
Oh that’s fucked up then, rip
I always throught fediverse was a god awful name. Like it sounds like a website for FBI agents. “You guys see that thread on the fediverse?” Who came up with this name? It sucks!
Wow what a brave resistances to le evil drumpf, thank you Mr presidents!!! Sounds of deep throating ex presidential weiners
Can’t wait to catch giga measles from some disgusting slop hog of a parent, who caught it from their disgusting mole rat of a kid, who caught it at the disgusting cess pit of a school. I’m going to cut my head off on the razor wire fence
Isn’t that standard process when booking inmates
No. I will not. What a rude proposition
That’s nice can we get some protection for anything here on earth? Don’t give a fuck about some moon shit there’s no one there. Call me when they find dudes living on the moon, then I’ll fuckin care
This is what it feels like when my cat cuddles on me (she fucking reeks horribly, total stink)
Fuck! That drone was just some chump? I’m telling the boys we got the block back!!
Wanted to play halo but I had uninstalled it to make space so I played prodeus instead. Close enough
I was a super weird, isolated and badly socialized abused kid with nearly unlimited internet access from a way-too-young-age and looking back I think I had a lot of conversations with adults like this where they were checking to make sure I wasn’t going off the deep end