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Joined 3 months ago
Cake day: June 22nd, 2024


    1. Putin wanted some “victory” to boost his dwindling ratings. Ultimately, he’d fallen victim to his own extremely corrupt system; he’d been told too many lies and led to believe that it would be a walk in the park that would skyrocket his rating again, like the Crimea annexation.
    2. There has been and there is. The politically active citizens of any country always make up a minority, because most people are either too busy or don’t care; the less freedom you have in country, the more marginal the politically active become; the more horrifying it is for a person to end up in jail, basically one-on-one with the system that’s been built upon the “best” practices of KGB, the less likely people are to take such risks, and even more so when they have something to lose. Most people looking at the conflict from a country with an established democracy and respect to human life and rights have absolutely no idea what it’s like to end up in a Russian prison, especially for as long as 5+ years. More importantly, the government tries very hard to keep people scared and passive, obedient, so that they never even attempt anything and always assume that they’re going to lose if they ever oppose the powers that be - in part, they do it by brainwashing the police and similar structures into mad zealots that believe that the protestors or the opposition (even if it’s a single mom that’s just not happy with the prospect of sending her son to die in Ukraine or change horribly at the very least, on top of becoming an murderer) are the worst enemy their country has, that these people wish them ill; police gets to torture people, too, and I’m sure that’s encouraged when it comes to political matters. Multiply that practice by decades of practice and you’ll get a very desperate picture of the fear and the sense of helplessness in most people.

    I’m sorry that these are not very 5-year-old-friendly, but it’s the best I could do. There’s just so much to say here. Unfortunately, there’s a lot of opinions on both matters, many being defended passionately by the ones that believe in them, so it’s very difficult to find the right answer; but both of these questions absolutely have the right answers, with the rest being a massive misunderstanding and an attempt to explain something people don’t see clearly.

    Feel free to ask more questions. I’m a Russian citizen still living in Russia that’s never been abroad, so I consider myself pretty involved and up-to-date on the matter, following the news and opinions and research, etc.; hopefully I can clear things out a little more for you.

    This, too, is a form of protest, one though which I fight the propaganda, be it intentional or accidental.

  • Not sure what lists you’re talking about, but it’s nerding time anyway.

    The backslash (the \ symbol) is used to “escape” characters in the software world, i.e. tell the software to treat the following character as a simple symbol, not some instruction. It’s very well-known among developers, so if they happen to be the ones writing guides on Markdown (the syntax where you use asterisks and some other symbols to dictate the final layout while having the luxury of being able to edit the document in a plain-text editor), it can actually elude them because it’s mundane.

    In fact, some software won’t allow you to use the backslash in short text fields such as names or passwords because doing so could potentially open up security risks where the malicious actors “inject” some instructions into software to cause all sorts of trouble. On the other hand, this is probably a redundant old measure, as there are usually other means to prevent this kind of attack today, but that’s the power of habit, I guess; and, well, if it’s a simple measure that works, there’s not much reason to get rid of it, is there?

  • Obligatory fuck AI and the illeterate bros pushing it.

    What kind of videos, though? A lot of such material is very far from being proper educational material that we show other people to really teach them much, let alone educate them well enough to be anywhere trustworthy. This is a very processed material, with years of preparation once you consider the prior education of the individuals involved in the creative process - think of the past experiences silently influencing them, their initial knowledge on the subject obtained from somewhat basic facts from school or otherwise, their misconceptions, iterations that nobody knows about, and many other things that we don’t usually directly associate with the act of working on something like a video, but that eventually do dictate a lot of the decisions and opinions put into it.

    It’s one thing that the AI has no intelligence in it whatsoever, but the fact that it’s being pumped with information and “knowledge” in basically the reverse order doesn’t help it become any better.

    On the other hand, the entire thing is not about making something that works well, but something that sells well. And then there’s people putting too much faith into the thing and trusting it with way too much stuff than they should (which is also the case with a lot of other tech, though, admittedly).

    Some things of today are so damn unexciting.

  • Not if it’s treated like a social media for whatever reason.

    Xing (German) and Headhunter (Russian), for instance, both allow you to hunt for jobs and browse companies all without Facebook-like posts and corporate culture.

    LinkedIn is a very curious artifact of moronic cargo cult-like chase for money and market share where companies just try and copy whatever the big player did, like Facebook at the time, hoping to make loads of money for the investors and stakeholders, but the absolutely anti-human corporate culture of the US makes the place is even more moronic.