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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: October 17th, 2022


  • Roosevelt was able to regulate capitalism because capitalism wasn’t working under Hoover for the people (alot more than usual). Also a communist country was starting to thrive and industrialize. This inspired many communists to unionize their workplaces. Many of the leadership were communists in all of the unions. These unions had political power. Roosevelt was very popular among the American proletariat. He saved capitalism through his negotiations with the borgiosie and meeting the needs of the American workers. Furthermore due to the large oceans protecting the North American continent, the ravages of World War 2 left the United States mostly unscathed. Industrial workers were able to produce goods for higher prices temporarily because they were the only ones able to manufacture complex goods. As other countries were able to bring their industry back up online over time, this competitive edge waned in relevance. The capitalists were making less profits from industrial production so they leaned into rent seeking and finance. They offshored the jobs of the former industrial centers. They made it harder to unionize and strike. The generations after have noticed capital taking power back from the people. Now we are in neoliberalism. Letting the borgiosie have political power is the problem. They will always make things worse.

    What part of capitalism is worth preserving? The “good times” of America were brought by stealing land from native Americans, enslaving Africans, exploitative working conditions of immagrants, the luck of geography, and the severely exploitative system of the Breton Woods system. https://yewtu.be/watch?v=M0Ef_hbNsBs&listen=false

    All of which if you are a decent person would recognize that these are bad. All of these are the conditions that bring wealth to the United States. That’s the bathwater. Where is the baby?

    China sees no need to do exploitation in this manner and is offering better trade deals and seeking to engage in countries as equals rather than dominate them like the Breton Woods system. They have capitalists, but they have no political power. Why not try to reform the United States to crack down of these parasitic capitalists like China does for the good of the people? We have much to learn from China. But our leaders won’t listen. China encounters problems and they solve them. America encoutners problems and they fester with everything else.

    That is why there is so much demonization of trans people, ethnic minorities, and foreign nations to distract people from the fact that capitalism is not meeting the American people’s needs.

    “America” historically as a concept has been mostly an institution of exploitation. To get rid of the exploitative systems is to destroy what makes it “America”. Thus the death of America is the means of saving the people by giving them the power to determine their destiny, not controlled by the greedy capitalists.

  • Perhaps you might know a few instances of foreigner capitalists owning and abusing the land and raising rent prices in a manner that hurts renters and the land. Black Rock capital is an American corporation that has consolidated and owned lots of apartments. https://eightify.app/summary/economy-and-finance/blackrock-s-dominance-in-housing-market-raises-concerns

    You are complaining about Saudi corporations owning and abusing the water table when plenty of American corporations do the same thing. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/drought-water-scare-gets-attention-agribusiness-giant-adm-flna1c7114296 However, out of necessity they will have to appear to conserve water due to bad press and make a lot of articles about how they say that they are saving water. They will need to because appearing not to care will affect their stock price.

    The issue is not foreign capitalists, it is capitalism. And capitalists just doing what is most profitable will lead to a collapse regardless. Capitalism is always in crisis, then the people get angry due to the negative outcomes, then they get the government to come in and regulate these corporations. However the neoliberal institutions are pulling back democratic control from the people to service the bottom line of these corporations even further. That is more dangerous for stabilizing capitalism than the foreigner capitalists.

    This neoliberal model has brought poverty to many of the nations in South America, Eastern Europe, Asia, and Africa for this very same reason. Western corporations have exploited people in these countries like this. Now they are coming back to us. Dollars have potential to lose value more than ever before, but land does not as much. The main problem has always been the contradiction between those that work the land and live in apartments and those that profit from it despite their distance from it whether it be a foreign corporation or a domestic capitalist.