With a few more releases you might even class up to a beta!
I may or may not be any number of unfathomable beings.
With a few more releases you might even class up to a beta!
In his first term the sky turned blood red and rained ashes while a deadly plague ripped through the streets of America, you’d think the people looking for Messages from God might have taken the hint
“How to put a collar on a cat” yeah that tracks honestly
Nobody ever accused him of being good at it
Sure, sometimes I miss doing drugs in college.
Mostly I miss the relative stability of society during those times, when the biggest news story of the cycle was that Obama wore a tan suit and liked Dijon mustard.
At the time we were reeling from Bush and the Iraq War situation but those feel like small potatoes now these days, even if they weren’t then.
This needs to be a legal requirement. I don’t care about the patch jackets but disclosing political sponsors in an obvious fashion should be required of all political candidates or office holders at all times. They work for the people, not the other way around, and the people need better visibility of this.
If you enjoy this, have a peek at The Jargon File. Classic hacker slang is something else.
Hi, it’s me, here to ruin the fun as usual.
Noel and Liam Gallagher are the Gallaghers in question, and their band has been successfully sued for plagiarism on three different occasions.
I’m with Squid on this one.
It does have withdrawal symptoms, and they’re not fun, but they are usually not deadly.
Having a paper trail that they did so will be important if we ever regain control of our country. I want every receipt of every action to be a matter of national history data.
It’s shorthand for “shits fucked but there’s not much I can do about it from here, so I just continue to exist in spite of everything”
Hit em with the Brown Note
The aviation industry can absorb a whole lot of sin before they’re on equal danger footing with automotive, if for no other reason than sheer volume. Most people, unless you fly constantly for work, get on a plane once a year or less. Most people drive to work almost every day. Roads have traffic, the skies do not (at least, not nearly to the same extent, midair collisions can happen but they’re rare).
I have no doubt the skies are about to become noticeably less safe, but they’ve got a looooot of catching up to do before they dethrone the automobile as one of the top 3 leading causes of death in America.
Fair enough, I am subscribed to that one. Thanks for that though. Maybe I’ll have to just make it myself.
Unironically, yes. We were forced to choose between:
A) a historic ally of ours is doing something bad… We will speak out against them. We will not yet cut off supplies because we need the world to see that an American alliance can be relied upon. But we will speak out against these actions.
Clearly these two things are the same.