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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: July 23rd, 2023

  • To expand on the container/vm idea, for someone that’s never done such a thing before, installing whatever OS u want (windows or other) in virtual box then setting the network get internet only from the vpn would be a very secure but not all that hard to do.

    The easiest way for a beginner would however be to use a VPN that have its own software with built in kill switch, then you select whatever program you want killed if the vpn goes down, and it just exits that program. (If your paranoid research DNS leaks first)

  • They don’t need to cancel each other out.

    Lazy loading usually means to load the image at a lesser quality to have something to show the user very fast, so yes technically this can be called opposite of pre loading if used solo.

    Pre loading in this instance usually means loading before the user sees the image.

    These 2 things can be used together, an example could be to lazy load images at a low quality that are further down the feed before you scroll to them, and load the full image as you get closer to it/have it show on the screen.

    But I’m sure the devs knows about thease tricks already