Wir haben Grund zum saufen!
Wir haben Grund zum saufen!
This guy was in a remote controlled, parachute equipped gondola at 17km altitude wearing a pressurized suite. His suit broke and even though the emergency descent of the gondola was immediately activated to descend safely, he later died from embolism (bubbles forming in the blood because of rapidly decreasing pressure). Passenger jets cruise at about 11km so i gather it would be similar.
OpenWRT does not use liblzma or systemd so i think that one is pretty safe. I would also be surprised if Android included OpenSSH server binaries in that way.
In terms of modern shells being more complex in general: yes and no. modern shells pretty much always use some kind of electronic fusing, sometimes multiple kinds of electronic fuses. back then they had bombs, mines and grenades with literal clockwork inside and electronics was still very rare. also fuses and primary charges were not easy to produce reliably.
There has been some fusor research going on for decades. The issue that killed that direction of fusion research was ultimately that the electrons do not behave as the initial simple models suggested and in the real world the power loss from the fast electrons is just too big for any reasonably sized device to allow for self sustaining fusion.
Not as long as OPs but has some real goodies.
throw off the yolk
that is not a power plant. a power plant supplies power…
So what does this say about the dark matter deficient galaxies? https://www.nature.com/articles/s41550-019-0930-9
What makes them think that the library of Alexandria did it any other way? Nerds have existed long before the internet…
Yep this is the official way. There is also the quick and dirty way of adding a new ID to your existing key to enable its use with a different email sender, but be wary of the info leaks this could lead to…
first you would need to know what COP you could reasonably get, which among other things depends on the average outside temperature during heating season if you want to use an air sourced heat pump.
The COP can be in a largish spectrum depending on these factors but typical values are 3.5 for average homes in temperate climate. Higher if you live in a warmer climate and lower if you live closer to the arctic. If you want to really do the math it might be good to get help from a professional specialising in heat pumps.
Edit: this is for heating use only. A heat pump can also be used for cooling but then the climate effect is inverted.
Indeed. atetheonion might contain a bunch of idiocy, but i would not be offended by being included there just because i was sceptical of something.
Uhhh you realize there are muskets hanging on the wall, right? I think its fair to say they don’t just make swords :)
downvote for lack of feathers. smh.
that sounds almost exactly like the Reichsbürger in Germany. They also claim the current German state is actually just a corporation and the laws of the German empire are somehow still applicable. They also create their own passports. And of course they are deeply interconnected with Neo-nazis.
oh i must have missed a few orders of magnitude there. 6Mt of helium is a ridiculous amount though … what is all that used for? according to WA that is about the water volume of the three gorges dam at STP
Edit: just read the report, wow, more than a quarter of all the helium is used just for “breathing mixes” which i assume means its for scuba diving.
from the wiki article on Helium:
an estimated 3000 metric tons of helium are generated per year throughout the lithosphere.
I think the main issue here is not that we are loosing helium on a planetary scale but that the easy to reach helium from gas wells is wasted. We will never run out of helium at our current rate of consumption before the sun goes nova, if we consider all sources on earth, but it will get a lot more expensive and the supply will get less steady.
datasheet for one of the drive models apparently these have a dual SAS interface, so what you are seing could be completely normal. i dont have any experience with this type of setup though.
btw you can uniquely identify partitions by using something like lsblk -o+PARTUUID,FSTYPE
the partuuid should never repeat in the output even if the partition table was somehow used as a template (though "dd"ing from disk to disk will duplicate those of course)
also check out the “SERIAL” column for lsblk to uniquely identify the drives themselves.
trilateration actually (0_0)