Hey now dog statues also get wear down from getting pet. We dont just objectify humans.
Hey now dog statues also get wear down from getting pet. We dont just objectify humans.
My bad, my brain mustve decided that riding under the influence was funnier.
Nah he is clearly from Greenland or maybe Tahiti.
I was making a joke about the smell of sexual fluids, what with submarines being partially closed systems. Dont want too much seamen semen. Yeah I dont fully get it either, I am very tired.
Fair enough, hence why I outlined my actual threat modeling. This shit historically has a pretty straightforward progression.
I said nothing about concentration camps on purpose as well for just that reason. But yeah I wont take Captain Brain worm on his word, at best he is honest and just ignorant to what will happen with them at worst he is lying.
Anyways I was just pointing out that we really shouldn’t take him at his word. That doesnt mean taking active action, it just means dont believe him. Though I do agree that folks calling it a concentration camp are risking watering down the actual issues that will most likely arise, after all if all their doing is waterboarding folks when you expect gas chambers it makes it seem less horrific.
I feel like you want the straightest ones on the submarine, if only for the smell.
The problem is that the US is in a fucked up stagnate state, this makes it so the more progressive areas cant improve fast enough and keeps the red states in a place where they are fundamentally incapable of the form required.
Did they forget that the last gilded age was also the same era as the Union and County wars or are they just fucken stupid. Who am I kidding all these dipshits are new money yuppies who dont know jack shit.
Camps like this already exist for kids and teenagers, the best example is the Elan school. Though they have been having increased pushback this could be a way to keep them running by including adults. Basically nobody should trust this idea on the base concept, since even if RFK Jr is legit trying to do a good thing with ernest sincerity he is still putting things in place to enable such abuse.
Also even if it starts out voluntary I garunfuckentee it will be involuntary via court order eventually. It will most likely start as a addict rehab but quickly evolve into a place to shove mentally ill folks into.
This one in particular is chambered in 300mm, now get back in thine hole tech goblin.
The ones that are were probably all grabbed up by the US Navy to work on the Nuclear Submarines.
I would put being stabbed in the gut, shot, set on fire, and then drowned up slightly higher. For context one of my ancestors encountered a bandit who was strangely durable.
As the IRA famously put out once, you have to get lucky every time we have to get lucky once. Its one of those things where if enough people keep trying and improving they will find a chink in the defenses. I suspect it will probably be seen first with either Musk or one of Trumps other toadies.
I feel like the ATF would be more than willing to act like assholes given even the thinnest of excuses, wait does Rogan have dogs?
Fun fact Grant allowed himself to be thrown into a drunk cell when he was caught drunk riding.
It also weighs enough that it cant even pull off being decent by being light like old jeeps. Sure they were literally brick shaped but they could be moved by like 4 guys with relative ease.
Out of curiosity how bad we talking here? Like are we talking deathly hallows symbol, or Dobby.Goatse.Cx?
Edit: for fucks sake it made a link, I am not touching that thing. Click at thine own perril.
We can add spikes, or maybe hit him with an ATGM on the way down